Example sentences of "[vb base] [not/n't] you [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Cos certainly you , sometimes you get the feeling do n't you that okay being in the crowd or the group may reduce people 's self-determination and self control , but the result is mayhem .
2 well you had the advantage of inside information , I 'm talking about the ordinary punter , if you forgive the expression , the ordinary customer you realize do n't you that there 's no clue in that sentence that management charges is limited to a small element of the six pounds thirty five
3 Do n't you but me , and stand to attention when you address an Officer .
4 Now as you probably know this is a level nine course it 's a it 's a course on which a platform is erected for other courses as Gordon said then the the introduction to management you have to make a short presentation do n't you but it does n't concentrate just on this .
5 You feel much more confident do n't you if you know exactly what people need from you .
6 Yeah I mean I I mean sometimes when you get day you think oh yes they could , you know , so you like start a round do n't you if you
7 You want to try it do n't you if you 're going to have it ?
8 But you usually know do n't you if
9 I 'm my own woman , Lucenzo , so do n't you or Corosini ever forget that . ’
10 Well , you know , you call Mr Radio Rentals , do n't you or whoever , you have to handle that separately , and that 's , you know , we can say ‘ sorry , we ca n't do it ’ .
11 You expect a little bit of jostling do n't you when there 's a crowd seen in the penalty box .
12 about me do n't you when I 'm not there , yeah ?
13 But I , does but when you say that now though , cos I , he slagged Kirsty off to me , he just said oh she 's just really pretentious and she 'll , she 'll talk to you and then as soon as someone cooler comes in the room she 'll turn round and she 'll completely ignore you and you 're left and she 'll do that like at a dinner party or something and you 're left standing there feeling a real id you know , you know that feeling do n't you when you 're talking to someone and suddenly they desert you and you 're all on your own in a room ?
14 ‘ But do n't you and Uncle Jim ever disagree ? ’
15 I just thought — Reg is away tonight , so why do n't you and Tessa sleep in our double bed downstairs ?
16 Why do n't you and me go some place , see who 's out and about down the Grove ?
17 More audibly , as he opened the car door for Anna , he went on , ‘ Sam , why do n't you and Anna come back to my place ?
18 Why do n't you and I talk about it separately then
19 If Ross is n't around to deal with his awful mother , and if your life in her house is so unbearable , why do n't you and the kids move into our apartment in Wapping ? ’
20 It 's the matter of the moment really , you just fling them into a roasting tin do n't you and put it in the oven ?
21 that was the second summer I 'd been there when you used to come down , do n't you be silly , cos he said to me , you remember Roy do n't you and I said yeah , and he use to er , like if he used to come back without me ,
22 You feel insecure do n't you and there she is and look come off it !
23 You have your dish do n't you and your
24 You pull them do n't you and presents come out d' you remember ?
25 You ge you forget yourself do n't you and you go back to the two times table , we 're on threes now .
26 think she 's been injured do n't you and get out and help .
27 Frosty you li you like these chips do n't you and there 's more in it so that 's a mild one .
28 You you like them do n't you cos you 're understanding them now .
29 one hand goes one way , one hand goes the other , break it open , put the cardboard away and you need to be ready to try before you pull the next bit off do n't you because as soon as you 've opened that it 's not sterilized any more , so you open that up and you find , unwrap it
30 You you miss the counting do n't you because it was different to a school like in the Valley school .
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