Example sentences of "[vb base] [not/n't] [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 My friends said she 's trouble and the last thing I should have done was let her move in and I was a bloody fool not to believe them .
2 Mungo 's head buzzed with a dozen more questions , but again he thought it better not to ask them .
3 I would agree with you that if the if we have gone along and said to people , well er yo , we 've got alternative accommodation for you and they have n't wanted to go then , well I 'm sure that we hope not to give them that er er , alternative accommodation er , and it 's not in our interest at all to er , keep er , places empty , and further more we have n't really got er enough er , alternative places to put er , these er tenants in so I 'm that it 's as the result of the sort of dwellings that er we 've er we now find ourselves with as a result of the er initial buildings in the first place .
4 It seems to have been Charles ' policy to broaden the education and leadership of his sons , and at the same time not to allow them to become too entrenched in their own subkingdoms .
5 If you serve English wines , remember not to over-chill them .
6 If it was , all you can do is try to make amends if this is possible , learn by your mistakes and decide not to make them again .
7 Look for the good in your stepgrandchildren and try not to compare them unfavourably with your natural grandchildren .
8 So we try not to mention them .
9 Turn them on their side and try not to leave them unattended in case they inhale vomit
10 The requirements of the standard itself does not ask you to look at accounts er , specifically , which is why you can choose to include them or choose not to include them .
11 The fact that certain strategies which can be shown to be useful in translation have not been made use of so far suggests that translators are simply not aware of them , rather than that they are familiar with them but consciously or subconsciously choose not to use them .
12 Paint and varnish slow down moisture changes in wood but they do not prevent them for no paint is impermeable to water vapour .
13 ‘ But we do not handle them ourselves .
14 Fathers who are highly involved with their children at 11 , but who do not punish them , are the best protection against a criminal record in adolescence , the research suggests .
15 So do strong aggressive animals which are well able to protect their babies even if they do not deposit them in a den deep underground .
16 In essence , changes to material chemistry within the hydrogel family produce changes in the rate at which the various spoiling processes occur , but do not inhibit them .
17 In fact , the event was even more profound than that , because it was also an explosion of the four dimensions ( as well as , it is thought , a number of others , which almost immediately ‘ rolled themselves up ’ so that we do not recognize them as such — the matter and energy involved being only a secondary consideration !
18 Please do not move them , .
19 These difficult questions should so far as possible be confined to those fields of law to which they are immediately relevant and I do not regard them as relevant questions under the Theft Act 1968 , ’
20 These difficult questions should so far as possible be confined to those fields of law to which they are immediately relevant and I do not regard them as relevant questions under the Theft Act 1968 " .
21 These scholars know the reasons why , and they do not hide them .
22 Do not overheat them or the filling will become soft : 5–8min in a moderate oven at gas mark 4/180&C/350&F should be sufficient .
23 Please do not separate them , as it sounds as if action is imminent .
24 Thus by prioritizing intention and relegating consequences as accidents — conveniently turning a blind eye to strict liability-corporate officials can proceed to commit corporate crimes because they do not perceive them as such in the first place .
25 They seize the kittens , carry them off , and kill them ; but do not eat them afterwards .
26 Disappointingly strawberries do not freeze so if you do not eat them at once you need to use them up in some other way .
27 Do not pull them on with the nuts , but make sure they fit on their own first , then smear copper anti-seize compound onto the wheel face and centre before fitting .
28 Most countries organize censuses of their population on something like ten-yearly intervals , but not all do , and they certainly do not do them at the same point in time .
29 it 's like the , cos I keep saying if you must do those F's you do it at school I said , but do not do them for me , I said if you do I do not want to see them , but again you 've got a conflict there between home and school
30 Of particular importance is the mention of transverse flutes : the inventories of the workshop of Nicolas Hotteterre , Martin 's cousin ( one in 1708 made after the death of his wife and the other in 1727 after his own death ) , do not specify them ; the first reads ‘ hautbois , flutes [ recorders ] , and other imperfect instruments valued together for the sum of 88 livres ’ and the second lists ‘ two dozen of which are fluttes [ sic ] as well as hautbois priced 24 livres ’ .
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