Example sentences of "[vb base] [to-vb] him [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Especially if you wo n't say what you want to see him about . ’
2 You want to shake him off like a wasp on a sunny day .
3 Well , if you say to him , that just say that and that , that 's you know , oh , just say something like , just say something like I ca n't keep up with him Dennis , he 's throwing loads of dust about , just say to him , think about selling , to you want to buy him back or , you know .
4 He spoke softly in a voice very like the one Woil had used : ‘ Nice bird , pleasant bird , bird come to no harm , Man not hurt this buzzard , Man only want to stop him feeling afraid , Man only want to put him back where he is safe ; nice food waiting . ’
5 If you want to cheer him up , write to him or kiss the chap , the male frog ( 22 ) awaits your letter .
6 ‘ I hired this man , and I want to call him off — ‘
7 Listen : I want to flush him out .
8 No , if they want to flush him out of hiding , there 's hardly a man they could use but Hotspur . ’
9 I want to get him up to Inspector as soon as possible . ’
10 ‘ You need to turn the tables on Cawthorne if you really want to stitch him up . ’
11 But the expectation would not be driven out … and yet Harrison was a fine man and there was something about his miserably presented directness which made her want to scoop him up .
12 That 's why I want to bring him along . "
13 But England boss Taylor said : ‘ I want to bring him back when the time is right .
14 If , by any chance , you have a way of passing on messages to Frank ( via the supporters club maybe ) — Im sure all of us wish him the best … and hope to see him back here at Leeds in a few years so he can be 1st choice .
15 This is reflected in the endings of his films , his contrived resolutions , which always seem to let him down : his endings may be happy , but they 're seldom felicitous .
16 Fenton added : ‘ He is a terrific player but now other clubs know all about him and look to shut him down . ’
17 Camilla : I vow to give him up
18 Paragraph six , detailed what the Secretary of State of the Environment is asking the staff commission to advise him on , and paragraph seven , gives some details of a circular which the staff commission has already put put out , which for the moment at least , really more applies to other authorities such as Cleveland , who are now , or the Isle of Wight , who are now in to this particular situation .
19 In a case where the husband owns the house alone , subject to mortgage , and the wife and new husband decide to buy him out , the most usual procedure would be for the conveyance to the wife and new husband to take place contemporaneously with the redemption of the existing mortgage and the taking of the new mortgage .
20 The memory was only a couple of minutes old , but he felt that scrap of the past unravel to bring him back to the moment when she said , ‘ I 'd been out to meet someone .
21 Try to talk him out of it , like ? "
22 Otherwise he might n't be there when you go to pick him up . ’
23 His own answer to it was in some ways remarkably similar to those he attacked , for it added up to this : historical study can not bring Jesus down to our own time ; rather , it reveals his strangeness to us , and he loses all colour and significance if we attempt to tear him out of his own historical and religious setting in late Judaism .
24 A week ago I saw a monkey in the street jump on a donkey and try to wank him off — the donkey brayed and kicked , the monkey 's owner shouted , the monkey itself squealed — apart from two or three children who laughed and me who found it very funny , no one paid any attention .
25 I attempt to cheer him up by impersonating a Tannoy and announcing the train now arriving at platforms two , three , four , five and six coming in sideways .
26 Then we all try to lift him out of discouragement . ’
27 The public pretend to love him out of the goodness of their hearts .
28 Wake up ! ’ she cried , as she rubbed his icy cheeks to warm them and try to bring him round .
29 I 'll work on him and try to bring him round .
30 Only a few months ago , after this Lord Henry Percy had withdrawn to his other urgent command on the Scottish borders , Owen had run wild over most of North Wales , and made himself master of the counties of Carnarvon and Merioneth ; and while the woollier heads in King Henry 's council had seethed and talked bloody war , Hotspur had come swooping back to hold the balance so sturdily that he had been allowed , on the king 's warrant , to approach the Welsh prince , and attempt to bring him back to his allegiance , on promise of honourable terms .
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