Example sentences of "[vb base] [to-vb] the [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 This will be set to illuminate the tank during the early part of the day , and switch off in the evening when I want to see the fish .
2 I want to thank the people who responded to my letter ( 11 February ) requesting poetry written by carers about their experiences .
3 Ian , 39 , fished a bunch of lugworm on a size 4/0 hook to tempt the cod which was beached on 15 lb line .
4 They want to tire the fish in the drag .
5 The DGSE want to trace the people behind Spidex as much as Monsieur Nadirpur does .
6 Anyway , I will risk it , not because I want to give the fish a chance ; I do not believe in giving any fish a chance , I go to the races when I want to gamble .
7 ‘ I want to give the people who use my houses a rare and primitive relationship with the raw forces of nature .
8 This saves the chore of going through large media directories every time you want to contact the media .
9 Northern Ireland have now moved into fourth place in the Group Three table , and Bingham said : ‘ I want to finish the series on a high note and obtain as many points as possible to consolidate our FIFA grading position for future tournaments . ’
10 If we want to save the fish in the sea , the trees in the rain forests and the ozone layer , the wealthy countries have to look to their own consumption habits .
11 There are other outlets , if you want to learn the media game , in terms of speech and view , as it were , hospital radio , I do n't know whether you have any hospitals in your region but increasingly hospital radio offers an opportunity and a challenge , and welcomes people who would like to try their hand at becoming sort of D.J.s , or features editors , or are prepared to talk interestingly about subjects , and this you would only know from a local point of view .
12 This is a process which , of course , begins from first term in Nursery when the young children are befriended by Senior Pupils who each year elect to assist the Staff and children at Nursery level and indeed throughout the Junior School .
13 If you want to change the graphics image that Windows uses for the icon , click on the CHANGE ICON option button and select one of the many icon designs on offer .
14 If , later on , you want to change the data in the table , you can do it in your document without having to go near the original spreadsheet .
15 If you want to check the data on and entire disk complete with sub-directories then try XCOPY \*.; * NUL /S
16 you can talk about some of your results in here and we 'll discuss about anything that 's gon na be problems we 'll discuss how you 're can write it up and how you want to display the statistics if
17 Simply stop the LIFESPAN Process , create the new directory ( ie. where you want to move the data to ) , move the entire contents of the old directory to the new one , reassign the logical name to the new location ( remembering also to do this in LIFESPAN_STARTUP ) and restart the LIFESPAN Process .
18 Unless you want to intimidate the people you are seeing ( and you will get a less truthful picture of them if you do ) then consider conducting the interview in two fairly comfortable chairs placed at angles next to each other .
19 Here we will not examine the mixing processes , but accept their role in modifying the water mass as we seek to relate the time-series ( Fig. 2 a ) to the spatial distribution ( Fig. 2b ) .
20 PP : Ladies and gentlemen of the jury , welcome to another live edition of ‘ Your Witness ’ where I , Perry Perseverance , the well-known television lawyer , seek to hear the people 's evidence and point the finger of guilt in the most unlikely of directions .
21 I said that I hope to breed the fish in this tank , but at the moment there does not appear to be any indication of willingness to breed on the part of any of the fish .
22 In addition to employing specific elicitation procedures , some tests seek to quantify the data obtained so that numerical comparisons can be made between individuals and with respect to the same individual at different points in time .
23 Some countries seek to involve the people more directly , from time to time , by the use of plebiscites .
24 Models with an extended stellar distribution together with a point mass of seem to fit the data best .
25 Among them he indicated the need for genetic indices to be expressed in £ value — ‘ farmers seem to understand the £ sign very quickly ’ .
26 Initially , when the goby is first introduced , the corals seem to dislike the fish , and keep their polyps retracted .
27 But he saw natural selection as less important than the Lamarckian mechanism in which self-improvements resulting from the individual 's response to environmental challenge are inherited and thus accumulate to change the species .
28 ‘ They never seem to get the people who commit the most terrifying crimes .
29 I tend to leave the fish together for a week as there is no problem of egg-eating with Gold Australe .
30 We like to see the people here .
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