Example sentences of "[vb base] [to-vb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Throughout the 1980s , it battled to achieve two crucial , strategic shifts : to reduce its dependence on bulk , low-margin , commodity chemicals which tend to swing wildly with the economic cycle — in favour of high value-added , high-margin ‘ effect ’ chemicals ; and to cut the share of sales accounted for by the UK .
2 The idea of a flying continuum becomes even more persuasive when we remember that very small animals tend to float gently in air , whatever their shape .
3 Soft , weighty fabrics tend to fall easily into gentle folds ; an obvious example is cotton velvet which is both soft , supple and heavy .
4 It 's quite usual to pay a deposit to show that you intend to go ahead with the deal and if you back out the repairer is entitled to keep the money .
5 Some of you might be thinking , well , I 'm never going to advocate , I never intend to go anywhere near a court .
6 HEAVYWEIGHTS , it is said , take a while to mature but tend to remain longer in the sport .
7 The fish tend to spawn all around the same time and pay attention to their own broods — equally the parents will see off any attempt by another pair to eat their brood .
8 They tend to go always to the top of the
9 When I started travelling extensively in trains ( 1966 ) , which tend to go faster for longer than bicycle , car or bus , I could think better .
10 The MA(General) is especially well suited to those who intend to proceed subsequently to vocational training by means of a Diploma , Certificate or second degree .
11 Today we tend to work more with our Investigation teams who have much wider sources of information up to international level .
12 Meths stoves , like the popular Trangia , tend to work better in wind and can cope with cold , but you might find the meths a little difficult to light in extreme cold .
13 Well , on the centigrade scale that 's at minus two six nine approximately , but in fact we in physics tend to work always with an , what we call an absolute scale of temperature .
14 You tend to slink away in corners .
15 They can be easily manoeuvred , but tend to slip downhill on any pronounced slope .
16 It is more like a slow process of sifting , in which , by a long series of stages , and with many pauses , grains of one kind tend to come together in a heap ’ .
17 Although such projects are not uncommon for students in the colleges ( and they are also the ‘ entrée ’ for library instruction here ) the projects tend to come earlier in their courses .
18 Can you tell me something about the crowd itself , erm did particular age groups tend to stand together around the ground or were the young
19 ‘ I told Glentoran manager Rob Strain that I intend to train hard for three weeks and maybe play a couple of reserve games .
20 And yet he does n't think that he is quick enough : ‘ I used to compete in athletics but I do n't see myself as being all that quick and I intend to work hard on improving my speed .
21 ‘ I intend to work hard at finding a sensible solution that 's best for our entire family .
22 Major urban and rural areas tend to differ greatly in life styles and in their inhabitants ' perceptions .
23 Insurance defence lawyers , however , tend to concentrate more on the legal process and procedure .
24 The frames tend to suffer badly from condensation , they can generally be fitted only with very slim sealed units , and some can not be double-glazed at all .
25 This average conceals an important fact : many of the industries that tend to suffer most during recessions ( suppliers of consumer durables , transport and communications , for example ) have actually cut their debt-service burden since 1980 ; the biggest increases in debt service have been taken on by relatively stable industries ( such as producers of services and consumer non-durables ) .
26 Skills develop and change to compensate partially for the changing capacities .
27 Supper is served early for children — although the Continental ones who are used to later hours tend to dine together with their parents in the grand restaurant .
28 We must define the Europe that we want to see far beyond Maastricht and how we believe that the Maastricht summit can assist in achieving that Europe .
29 Ca n't understand what families want to go away at all .
30 ‘ Pappy , I want to go away to school .
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