Example sentences of "[vb base] [to-vb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I hate to agree with you here but yes , I think the leagues gone now .
2 Once we have found an explanation that seems to make sense we tend to cling to it religiously .
3 Such animals may appear magical to us because we tend to cling to our own heavily filtered reality .
4 And since the rich tend to sit in their own gardens , public parks help redistribute enjoyment towards the poor .
5 There are encouraging signs that our experiments in communication are starting to yield some useful results and we intend to continue with them in the future .
6 Such is the frailty of most of our natures that once we take a toe off the straight and narrow we tend to slide off it altogether .
7 How I hate to sit on his knee .
8 While it remains ( in theory at least ) the prerogative of each agency to decide whether to co-operate with the overall plan , they are at least expected to notify the key worker if they intend to deviate from what has been agreed .
9 Females tend to remain in their natal units , which thereby increase gradually in size .
10 They tend to see with their ears and accept things that they are told are acceptable , ’ he says .
11 It is helpful for them to recognize that if they intend to carry through what they say , they may need to reduce the number of demands that they make on the child .
12 I would say it was reasonable , since under our current agreement I shall be totally cancelling out your debt , that you contract to remain in my employ for three years . ’
13 ‘ I intend to sit by you all night .
14 Instead , they should refer to SCOTVEC 's criteria for approval of a centre when setting up their systems and should discuss the systems that they intend to implement with their systems verifier .
15 A I tend to agree with you — it does rather seem as though you need several dozen supplements to keep a successful marine aquarium .
16 I tend to agree with you .
17 Historical biographers tend to work within their own national boundaries , and to prefer as subjects the Good Kings of national history .
18 ‘ You intend to come with me ? ’
19 Erm and so kids that do n't come on the Friday , tend to come with their parents on Saturday .
20 Well the men tend to come to our meetings and sit in the back now because their they well what in their words they say , Oh they they 're much better than the lodge meetings .
21 Co-stars Christopher Cazenove and Robin Nedwell lack musical training and tend to struggle through their numbers .
22 To this hour we ca n't judge with any certainty whether they really intend to slip by us into Derbyshire or to march to Wales through Cheshire …
23 That 's right , as , as , as Theresa said at the beginning , one of the prime characteristics of dreams is this kind of visual erm symbolism and in the course of analyzing thousands of dreams of course which he did in his practice , Freud found that very often certain fundamental things that people tend to dream about quite a lot tend to appear in lots of people 's dreams with similar kinds of er representations , and among the most notorious and obvious of these were things related to sex .
24 The hon. Gentleman mentioned the first ; in my original answer , I showed how we intend to work towards it .
25 Both the questionnaires and the structured interviews tend to concentrate on what the customer likes and dislikes , rather than why .
26 The nearest we can get to a guarantee of success in our moral choices is the cogency of the arguments that we bring to bear in their support coupled with the recognition that what we are almost invariably doing , as MacIver points out and thinkers like Sartre have laboured to establish , is continually deciding between possible alternatives .
27 Is that the sort of future you intend to provide for her ? ’
28 And erm you know they they they tend to meet before us on a Tuesday and they sort of stay hang around .
29 This is how they er , tend to compromise with it .
30 ‘ I want to see into your soul while I make love to you , mia Carolina .
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