Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 BP and Shell account for a large slice of petroleum tax payments because they operate mature fields that have lost their tax shelter .
2 Somewhere lay the sound of singing — I say lay for the voice seemed to float on the waters as gently as a slight mist .
3 No , I never pick up the phone , they do that , pick up one phone and speak for a minute , while that ones ringing they say hold on a minute , and pick up the other one .
4 They say speak after the beep , beep .
5 His first Classic victory came on Never Say Die in the 1954 Derby , his last on Shadeed , who beat Bairn by a head in the 1985 Two Thousand Guineas .
6 They suffer from fatigue , they hear of housewives being stressed , and they say look at the stress of housework .
7 Three hundred people say hang round the bar and say , conservation board I 've had lots of letters , well so have I , we 'll get get through them they might cause trouble .
8 Hawkwind opt for the lone nutter theory …
9 And obviously you want go in a little bit before that just in case somebody comes .
10 Did n't even go , bother go to the toilet !
11 Hang on hang on metal and acid say think of the zinc and which acid was it we used H two S O four , what did the zinc do to the hydrogen ?
12 The basis of our decision before was my people work very closely say take with the national account people in right , and the main objective there is to get as much business from the corporate accounts as they 're responsible for like or whoever .
13 It 's not something I want broadcast to the world . ’
14 Say buy to the lady .
15 Tap Enter at the end of the last paragraph to have the new format
16 Tap Enter at the end of the text which will precede the inset text .
17 Nasty gases and smoke disperse into the ether ; sewage eventually floats out to sea .
18 In this sense the privileges and goods that pupils can ‘ purchase ’ with the points they earn provide for an effective degree of control .
19 stop stop at the line stop behind the line
20 Wait wait wait down the side .
21 Let let through the door .
22 The calls Easton 's section police receive vary with the time of day and the day of the week .
23 Investigations of the way in which drugs act draw on a knowledge of physiological and biochemical processes .
24 Acid house has happened , and things you smoke belong to the sixties .
25 Apart from being expensive to produce they suffer wear in the course of use and as a result are excluded .
26 because I think er Mr 's motion is erm , similar to er Rosie 's erm except that , I mean I think what we 're actually saying is that we do actually have a number of waste planning sort of policy panel , er and this is something look , needs to be looked at in , in some detail , erm and if we just do it via a sort of straight report to the Environment Committee and I mean look at the sort of agenda we 've got today er you know how much time can we spend on the details so I mean I hope the Liberal Democrats would accept that erm yes it will obviously come to the Environment Committee eventually er but that it actually should go to the Waste Planning to the Policy panel and other bits no doubt to the Waste Disposal sort of Sub Committee for this is the policy er committee of course .
27 I mean look at the difference from that and Friday .
28 Well I suppose he 's had a lot of flack , I mean look at the
29 I mean look at the adjudicator at .
30 I mean you can see how they live , I mean look at the roads .
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