Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For all these reasons the inner workings of the bureaucracy remain hidden from view .
2 Recent data indicate that the serotonergic systems implicated in the regulation of feeding and mood remain altered in anorexia nervous patients even after weight restoration .
3 As Wilson recalled , his first experience of the courts occurred in April 1889 when he was fined five pounds and costs at Sunderland for having attempted to persuade two seamen to desert from the ss Edmonsley , an incident which Fairplay reported with glee .
4 Like a city buried by a volcano , they remain frozen in time , untouched by the change , decay and renewal which constantly alter the structures of our conscious mental life .
5 If the specimen is immersed face-down , bubbles can not be released and remain attracted by surface tension to the surface , locally impeding further reaction and giving a very uneven etch .
6 Usher relied on bore holes and tanks although even those proved inadequate one year when the school had to be closed for three months because of the shortage of water .
7 Shimmering moire tints in fugitive pink , blue and green suffuse their wings , while their bodies appear clad in abalone and mother of pearl .
8 Please let Hilary Weedon have any ideas that you want considered for inclusion in the Training Programme for next year by the middle of June .
9 Only Barrow keep Salford off the bottom of the table , and while the Cumbrians already appear resigned to relegation , the Mancunians , who have spent considerable sums on rugby union internationals such as Adrian Hadley and Peter Williams in recent seasons , had their sights set higher .
10 These included not only the psychiatric cases but also those suffering from tuberculosis ( nineteen patients in 1945 ) and others con fined to hospital for long periods .
11 Both with-profits and non-profit endowments guarantee to pay off your loan and provide built in life cover .
12 They sleep entrusted to darkness
13 Just as the Fourier transform defined by equation ( 11.11 ) involves analysing the signal F(t) in terms of an infinite set of imaginary exponential terms , that is , in terms of infinite sets of sine and cosine waves , so the Laplace transform defined by equations ( 11.18 ) and ( 11.19 ) corresponds to analysing the signal in terms of an infinite set of functions of the form where s is complex .
14 Er , we have some points that we want taken on board such as the relevance of CPMs in the primary care team each team and that sort of thing but I do n't think they are fundamental differences , they are , as I say , dialogues towards consensus .
15 This may seem bizarre given the manner in which Whitehall and Britain as a whole appear steeped in tradition .
17 Both the arms and disk appear covered with skin , but close examination of the disk reveals small granules , which covers the disk but less densely than in Asteroschema .
18 We do not recommend the ordinary letter service for sending things that you want covered for compensation .
19 The medium was replaced with fresh antibiotic free medium with D-mannose ( 1% ) and inoculated with 25 µl of an overnight culture of each E coli isolate grown in peptone water with D-mannose ( 1% ) .
20 On the ground floor of the plush Avenue Matignon headquarters , children sit absorbed in front of banks of Apple II computers .
21 Hard luck yarns come crawling out of doorways to tug at his sleeve , tall tales sit slumped over coffee in badly lit diners waiting for him to join them .
22 ( He resumes pacing , then , spinning on his heels to avoid the wall , he veers round , stares you straight in the face , hands flared , fingers spread frozen in time and space , chin tucked in on itself like a gossiping neighbour , takes another deep breath through the nose , opens his mouth , swivels his eyes to left and right and walks clean out of the room .
23 Were the wishes of those they commemorate taken into consideration ?
24 Unemployment problems put paid to Labour 's political prospects in the early 1930s just as much as it had helped the party to rise to political power in the 1920s .
25 One in six firms has deferred settlements for up to six months because of the profits squeeze produced by recession , and more are planning a freeze .
26 Such direction can not be given where the proceedings stand referred to arbitration under Ord 19 , r 2(3) ( Ord 20 , r 12A ) .
27 ( 2 ) No direction shall be made under this rule in proceedings which stand referred for arbitration under Ord 29 , r 2(3) .
28 Half-a-dozen 18th century specimens , still retaining their colour after more than two centuries , lie pressed on paper sheets at Sunderland .
29 Jacob pointed to an elaborate fountain a hundred yards ahead of them in the middle of the road , the distance making the play of water seem frozen in midjet .
30 At school , however , Coleby had been one of those brainless nonentities who never belong entirely to any one social group , who seem destined for failure .
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