Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] me [art] " in BNC.

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1 You 've given me a heck of a lot of ammunition . ’
2 ‘ They 've given me a roomette or some such , but I take this thing seriously .
3 They 've given me a theatre for a season .
4 They 've given me a major interrogation — I 'd told you about the Englishman — that 's what I should have been working on , not an idiot fire .
5 ‘ They 've given me a lot of furniture and other things that have been passed down through the generations .
6 You 've given me a lot . ’
7 you know now you 've given me a let out .
8 ‘ I feel as if you 've given me a gift I 'm completely unworthy of .
9 Now she came away thinking I 've got this secondhand car and they 've given me a warranty .
10 ‘ If you are referring to Mrs. Channing , you 've given me no instructions to regard her as a client . ’
11 It 's a compliment in itself that they 've given me the chance … ’
12 Now you 've given me the same answer for two different inputs , but that 's okay .
13 ‘ And you 've given me the impression you wanted to see me , too . ’
14 They 've given me the main facts .
15 Thanks very much Mark , you 've given me the hardest part .
16 You 've given me an idea .
17 You 've given me an idea .
18 ‘ You 've given me an idea , Lee .
19 They 've given me an elbow crutch , and I can make the journey perfectly well now , if I thought the blasted train would stay on the lines , but there 's not much I could do once I got to Moila , is there , if I ca n't walk ?
20 ‘ Dear God , woman , you 've given me an idea there .
21 There was one little bit of leftover , as you 've given me an opportunity before I depart , and that was that erm we did discuss earlier today , under this heading the possibilities of erm their being sites on the inner edge or between the built up area , or there might become sites between the built up area and the inner edge of the greenbelt , I think the implication was they may be in Ryedale .
22 ‘ You 've given me an idea .
23 And they 've assigned me a prolific blighter ( 'lific blighter ) —
24 You 've assigned me the role of heartless villain financier , obsessed with money , wealth , and luxury .
25 But you 've taught me the difference between art and life .
26 ‘ Well now , ’ Burns said , ‘ ye 've saved me the trouble of comin' down to see you .
27 You 've saved me the embarrassment of having to turn you in !
28 So you 've done me a favour , you see .
29 ‘ You 've done me a favour really .
30 ’ Never mind , Mr. K. You 've done me a power of good .
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