Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] for year " in BNC.

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1 Third ( to Piers ) , I think you 're the smuggest young layabout I 've met for years and you ( me ) are these your friends ?
2 If you are like me , and feel hopelessly inadequate having toiled to the top of your favourite peak in what seemed to be ‘ the worst weather I 've seen for years , ’ only to come across a party equipped with jeans , trainers , and Tescos bags , then the Mourne Mountains are for you .
3 I 've said for years that you stop teams infringing by upgrading the penalty to , say , five points , and not be upgrading the try .
4 We 've argued for years about meals on wheel service that there should be seven day a week service throughout this authority , we 've only got it in the City , we want it throughout the authority .
5 My position on the whole thing started to wobble last year when I had some reflexology ( a foot massage ) which made me more relaxed than I 've felt for years .
6 And that includes the London School of Economics , where I 've lectured for years . ’
7 I pile the CDs on top of the tapes which balance on my redundant vinyl collection that 's heaped on top of the ancient 78s I 've had for years . ’
8 All I have to wear are the same old rags I 've had for years .
9 I I 've been coming here for forty years so far and and provocative statement I think in your programme this Autumn is the best that you 've had for years it 's a very good combination of classical and and modern plays and I really congratulate you on this programme and I would like to see that standard maintained .
10 The worst they 've had for years , apparently . ’
11 This is the worst snowfall we 've had for years .
12 But that 's , that 's something I 've had for years , but my arms and shoulders
13 Just be very brief , chair , erm could I ask that we have a report before council on this , and I know it will be an extra two hours on the poor council debate , but I think this is so important , and it does affect the planet for hundreds of years to come , and I think if we ca n't have a discussion on this in full council , well , it 's the most important thing we 've had for years probably , and I think we should have a discussion before council sit .
14 One of the best things about doing a talk show is that you get the chance to meet people you 've admired for years .
15 I 've understood for years . ’
16 Some of them are sons of friends I 've known for years .
17 People I 've known for years .
18 On this first video , Mr Colbeck guides you gently through the workings of an array of popular home studio gear ( including the Fostex X28 four-track cassette recorder and the Alesis Quadraverb ) with the friendly manner of a family doctor you 've known for years .
19 I 've known for years that I 'm as good a guest at a dinner party as I am a lousy host .
20 You 've known for years he was devious , and he 'd never actually fallen over himself to be nice to you , had he ?
21 People let their guard slip when they 're travelling ; they 'll tell you things they would n't say to a neighbour they 've known for years .
22 Well , while the vote has dismayed some , those who 've campaigned for years for the ordination of women into the priesthood are celebrating .
23 ‘ When I was going fast , I pictured something that I 've pictured for years and yet never noticed .
24 And I 've payed for years and years for myself and four other people besides !
25 ‘ We 've waited for years to have a Formula One world champion like Mansell — and now it looks as though we wo n't be able to use him .
26 This allows some spectacular spaces within , with rooms soaring into the roof space in a way that American architects have designed for years .
27 But because of the bad experiences , when the drug companies have said for years , trust us , we 've researched it , we 've developed it , you know it 's it passed the F D A rules , and then there 's Atavan and Valium and all the things that we had Halcyon and there 's a horror story at the end of the day .
28 Arguably , however , many do and have done for years .
29 I always cry at the doctor 's , have done for years .
30 If I may take one more minute just to convey this when I was a child in South Africa and we demonstrated and the police would come you know , ready to fire ready to kill if necessary and you had to calculate how you can avoid that situation and then you try in your normal life after the demonstration to do something against the regime to organize people and so on , and then like a juggernaut the state comes and destroys all the work that you and others have done for years and you just see it as a child of what your parents and others had done .
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