Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 Today timed to the minute a policeman wearing similar clothes posed as the motorcyclist detectives believe fired the five shots from close range in a remote country lane in Rushton in Northamptonshire .
2 I 've given the two to Jim as well together so
3 Anyway , I 've tabbed the two harmonised parts out separately for your ease of reading .
4 Instead of slapping me down , as any surgeon could quite reasonably have done in those circumstances , and particularly a surgeon with his reputed bite , he said simply , ‘ Not having seen them , I ca n't truthfully answer you , but from what I 've heard the two in the black car should have a fair chance .
5 They 've stressed the two cases are n't linked .
6 well this er , I 've got this class on , on , they 've amalgamated the two classes together so
7 I 've done I 've done the ten one .
8 We made two hundred and forty five pounds on Thriller of the Year one hundred and nineteen pounds on Tea for Two but that is after we 've made the three hundred pounds donation to Whiston Hospital we made a thousand and eighteen pounds on the panto Wuthering Heights we lost four hundred and nine pounds , but that was basically that we do costume plays and have to hire the erm fixtures and set pieces from Wrightsons or wherever we 're always going to be in this position and I think it 's the tradition of the Garrick that we continue to do them , and I think we have to accept that we may have losses in future on those particular erm things .
9 For nearly 3 years they 've made the 2 and a half mile trip from their temporary classrooms back to their homes .
10 Higher , higher rate , rate , well you do n't start to pay that until you 've exceeded the twenty three thousand seven hundred plus your personal allowance , so y you your basic rate of tax goes to twenty three seven hundred then you can add , add on your basic allowance , and for most people if they 're earning er a single person twenty seven and a half and married person twenty eight and a half above that you 're paying higher rate tax .
11 Sorry , Chair I ju I just would like , a little concerned that er , we 've accepted the five hundred pounds , er , the five hundred thousand pounds community care shortfall , where our own calculations originally were six hundred and ninety two thousand , have now gone up to seven hundred and fifty thousand .
12 You 've got the nineteen percent and , as the statement says , there was some degree of benefit from currency .
13 We 've got the fifty pound computer .
14 I 'm waiting for it to go down and all , I 've got the eight .
15 Well we 've got the eight contestants we 'll play the game , it 's Guess the Voice and there 's some super videos on offer and er it 's Guess The Voice of the funny man , good videos on offer , Grenville Granville of Mansfield Woodhouse .
16 Stevie Wonder that was and Up Tight and er we 've got the eight contestants for the competition so we 'll play the game now .
17 Remember we 've got the thirty five percent deposit cheque
18 And Simon Singh has joined in as well , which means I 've got the two best sprinters in the school chasing me .
19 Hydrogen sulphate sodium hydroxide swap them round sodium sulphate hydrogen hydroxide hy we never say hydrogen hydroxide it 's simpler to say water but if you write it as H O H then you think , Ah we 've got the two Hs and the O there .
20 I 've got the two afternoon .
21 And we 've got the two I 've got the two
22 And we 've got the two I 've got the two
23 so we 've got the two Newark factories represented .
24 I 'll tell you what then , we 've got the two options , we 've got the one area of this five per cent where
25 Then down here we have a couple of day beds for patients who need to rest under observation for the day following treatment but who do n't really justify admission , and then over here we 've got the two theatres for major suturing and cleaning up , and then down there at the end the X-ray and plaster rooms . ’
26 Right , so I 've got the two pieces that are missing from my paper .
27 right , thank you , you 've got the two pins have ya ?
28 We 've got the two most important ones .
29 One I 've got the two anyway , fifty , sixty eighty , eighty five
30 You 're just lucky you 've got the two !
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