Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] rather a " in BNC.

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1 Though that was not my subject at Aix , I 've made rather a point of knowing a certain amount of French Civil Law .
2 I 've got rather a lot on my mind . ’
3 ‘ Well , my husband says I 've got rather a good voice , ’ she responded .
4 ‘ I 've got rather a big order , ’ she said , ‘ mostly for slippers but one or two pairs of shoes I have to make in French calf . ‘
5 ‘ You 've got rather a lot to catch up on , ’ he said .
6 I 've got rather a headache coming on . ’
7 ‘ I 'd like to ask you out , pumpkin , but I 've got rather a lot to do today .
8 I 've had rather a surprising piece of news , that 's all . ’
9 You see , I 've had rather a lot on my mind recently … ’
10 I 've had rather a hard day — well , I 'm sure you can imagine . ’
11 I 've found rather a comfortable billet for you . ’
12 ‘ I 'm sure you would , landlord , but I 've taken rather a fancy to this ale-house of yours .
13 We 've sent someone out to meet them , because they 've taken rather a long time .
14 We 've sent someone out to meet them , because they 've taken rather a long time .
15 I think we have given rather a gloomy vision of what being a parent is
16 I go about in a wheelchair and someone who pushes it very often goes into a shop and says , ‘ Look here , you have bought rather a lot of things I think you had better give a cheque for them — now I ? I write the cheque out , dear , and you shall sign it . ’
17 The other Met personnel , apart from the Waafs , have remained rather a blur in my mind , with the exception of an obnoxious little civilian type known as Thursby .
18 I have seen you in the House , and though we have n't met , I have taken rather a fancy to you , and would like if I can to help your career .
19 I can see from what you 've just told me that things have changed rather a lot in fifty years .
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