Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] down a " in BNC.

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1 I 've broken down a lot more than I ever have over the last three months .
2 I had six days — time to make myself an evening gown ( evening gowns are n't funny ) that drops to pieces ( how ? ) after I 've fallen down a flight of stairs .
3 But I 've come down a bit now .
4 When they 've cooled down a bit you can put them in your bed , warm it up nice .
5 Erm one wonders whether that 's erm wise in the long term because once you 've closed down a coal mine of course you ca n't er re-open it very easily because the roof falls in and it floods and effectively you have to start again from er from scratch .
6 You see this post standing up here now we 've got down a lot lower this time , in fact , I think , it 's the same post .
7 ‘ I 've jotted down a few details , numbers and so on .
8 Great that we 're making a few bob at last ; I 've bunged down a few more ideas for old Clash songs we could flog to various fee-paying customers .
9 I entered it because I thought it would increase my confidence ; once you 've walked down a catwalk in a swimsuit , you can face most things .
10 I mean when he does his window displays you 've never seen anything like it , you know , so , I think he 's got quite er , he 's quite good at things like that , but erm , we 've tamed down a bit now .
11 If you 've taken down a door leading from hall to living room , or kitchen to dining room , you may be lucky and be left with interesting architrave mouldings around doorways , but if they 're plain modern ones , you 'll probably rip them out with the door .
12 Well it 's , look he passed the hundred and fifty metre mark , ten seconds later he passed the two hundred and fifty metre mark , how far did he run in ten seconds and you 've put down a hundred metres
13 I 've calmed down a little .
14 This means people with As at A-level , first class or good 2.1 honours degree , first time passes in chartered accountancy , or graduates who 've held down a managerial post in industry and done an MBA .
15 The Ford Pay claim coincides with negotiations at Vauxhall where leaders of the 9,000 manual workers have turned down a two-year offer giving 9.1 per cent in the first year and inflation plus £3 in the second .
16 ( First Edition ) WARRINGTON have turned down a transfer request from Neil Harmon , their 21-year-old prop forward .
17 WIMBLEDON have turned down a £1.6million bid by Southampton for striker Dean Holdsworth .
18 That reminds me , did I tell you that the trustees have turned down a request from Annabel ? ’
19 Meanwhile the world 's top players have turned down a tempting financial offer aimed at attracting them away from the Ulster Milk Games match between Europe and Asia in Belfast on June 8 .
20 The pair have tracked down a lot of information about the Pagefield Ironworks including some of the original draughtsmen 's drawings .
21 POLICE have closed down a massage business operating in the room where prostitute Lynne Trenholm was brutally murdered .
22 POLICE have closed down a massage parlour operating in the room where prostitute Lynne Trenholm was murdered .
23 Research also shows that many youngsters in residential care have experienced difficulties with schooling ; for example , over half of all boys in residential care have stayed down a class at least once .
24 Since you signed it 's been a little bit up and down , some goals conceded , not necessarily down to you , so you must be pleased that things have settled down a bit ?
25 ‘ Once again we have set down a marker for trans-Atlantic travel with a £93 for '93 offer which is the most competitive fare available , ’ said Branson , yesterday .
26 ‘ Richard has done it before , but it was the first time I have abseiled down a mine-shaft and the last , ’ said John , of Whitton Close , Acklam , Middlesbrough .
27 ‘ We 've come to ask you savage bloody chaps why the hell you have cut down a pleasant grove of willows . ’
28 ENVIRONMENTAL health officers ( EHOs ) in Gwent have shut down a ‘ backstreet kitchen ’ operating from a terraced house after a salmonella outbreak .
29 And the Germans have calmed down a lot , you 've got to admit that .
30 I believe I have calmed down a bit but there are still times when I will get booked . ’
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