Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] with [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As Wilson recalled , his first experience of the courts occurred in April 1889 when he was fined five pounds and costs at Sunderland for having attempted to persuade two seamen to desert from the ss Edmonsley , an incident which Fairplay reported with glee .
2 ‘ You 're wasting your breath telling me what you want done with Harbury .
3 Both the arms and disk appear covered with skin , but close examination of the disk reveals small granules , which covers the disk but less densely than in Asteroschema .
4 The nouveaux romanciers themselves have been reluctant to embrace the term , which has tended to occur on those occasions when parallels are bring drawn with novelists in other countries , as at the New York nouveau roman conference in 1982 which many of them attended and which also saw the participation of several leading American postmodernists .
5 Do such images of England not lie buried with Rupert Brooke in some corner of a foreign field ?
6 You know you get asphyxiated with petrol fumes and then you get the danger of being thrown off your bike .
7 Executives who get distracted with love affairs , golfing weekends and nightly entertainment under pretence of business are in all probability not Profitbosses .
8 It 's just that lifts only break down because people use them , rubbish chutes only get blocked with rubbish and debris only accumulates because public spaces are n't cleaned often enough .
9 It 's funny whichever way the wind blows my back door and my front door both get covered with leaves .
10 Rain and rivers eroded the soft sandstones that had filled the lagoon basin , scouring them away so that today the reefs are exposed once more , high and dry , facing not the sea but desert covered with clumps of spinifex grass and stunted mulga trees .
11 Mr John Gummer , the Agriculture Minister , said yesterday that swift action was taken last weekend after the Dutch authorities informed him that tonnes of cattle feed contaminated with lead had been shipped to Britain .
12 While not wishing to deny that there are differences in the ways executives , bureaucracies and assemblies operate compared with law courts , we suggest that the politics of any system can not be understood without some awareness of the crucial part played by law in its operations .
13 Pupils could use the computer to prepare for their visit and arrive provided with printouts of data-sheets or lists of questions .
14 Where this is not possible rift development is halted , rifts become filled with sediment and any associated uplift subsides .
15 While ditches become filled with silt over time , mounds are gradually flattened by weathering , and if a mound is adjacent to a ditch , this will affect the pattern of silting in the ditch .
16 NOT everybody uses the woodworking apron for their original intention , as we learn from some members , and some complain that the pockets become filled with chippings if used for woodturning .
17 There are so few places to paddle that those with agreements become inundated with canoeists , thereby exasperating the problem .
18 After — oooh — a mere nine or ten years , when quite suddenly you become consumed with lust and frighten your by now placid partner into a state of wary suspicion .
19 Internal walls and floors collapse and the decaying remains of their timbers become mixed with dust , leaves and other debris blown into the building to form a soil in which plants and even trees will grow .
20 With increased drainage and ploughing , drain-pipes become clogged with clay and silt , and surface ponding creates ever more difficult conditions for farming , and even the death of cereal crops .
21 PERHAPS we are the only definable group , except for the landladies , who look forward to conference at all , conference and elections being the only points in the calendar when our lives become primed with meaning .
22 During their later stages of development the wing-buds become supplied with tracheoles .
23 She made some coffee , and went out on the balcony in her cotton housecoat , where she could see the sun rising from behind the dark hills , and the slopes slowly become bathed with light .
24 It is , moreover , to draw attention to the way in which depictions that purport to portray individuals and which become associated with disintegration unleash narratives of global fragmentation .
25 But when words become associated with women , they take on negative and often sexual connotations .
26 It had suddenly become associated with sex ; and the sexual drive was all-powerful .
27 A whole pine forest produces so much pollen that ponds become covered with curds of it — and all of it wasted .
28 Putting on weight as fat deposits — food and fuel for the long journey ahead — their entire bodies become covered with mucus in preparation for the miles of slithering travel .
29 Boxes quickly become choked with coins and the chances of booking calls at Christmas are slim .
30 For example , incomers are differentiated by age , by sex , according to occupational prestige ( pilots stand above engineers and air-traffic controllers ) , and according to place of residence ( estate dwellers are supposed to stand apart as more distant from those who live interspersed with Shetlanders ) .
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