Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I mean given the size of China I mean th there 'd be
2 Yeah , I tell you , even Ian now is very about paying bills and , and Barry I say hit the roof when he heard that one
3 Desi Loughery equalised after Neil Candlish 's spot kick had been well saved by Paul Prentice before Speak grabbed the winner in the second minute of injury time .
4 Concentration and worry creased the Doctor 's forehead .
5 They further confused the tone of a piece that had about it the whiff of 1970s radical agitprop .
6 Nowadays the problem is quite the reverse : medical science is generally able to determine whether D's conduct caused the death , and innovations such as life-support machines mean that life can be prolonged for months and years in some instances .
7 Then smoke obscured the bridge and a sound of escaping steam and a cry took the man out of the observer 's sight .
8 did n't understand for two years I mean told the regulator
9 Ten years ago , SAVE floated the idea of a new society , the Friends of Friendless Garden Buildings .
10 C C T to some extend preceded the recession because it brought on members down to conditions that other people are now suffering .
11 SAVE accepted the challenge and within hours the inquiry was over , the inspector having gallantly offered the 10p deposit .
12 At the inquiry SAVE faced the opposition not only of the Department of Transport , but also of the county council .
13 SAVE published The Plundering of Thoresby Hall , which was an extensively documented and well-illustrated description of the contents of the house .
14 Only one of the many newspapers I read mentioned the fact that the assailant was black and it was with the most extreme difficulty that I was able to ascertain from reporters and policemen , who all refused to be named , that the callous passers-by were also black .
15 I mean , deserving cases like Neil who as he says only want to be taught , get next to nothing , but it seems to me that people like your sister Jane and Trevor get given the earth .
16 Let let can I tell you in conjunction with Lincolnshire erm the N F U produced a leaflet that they 're circulating to a hundred thousand of their membership in er , it 's a real mis-match of counties , Warwickshire , Northamptonshire , Leicestershire , Notts , Lincolnshire right , and er we 've got our logo on the back er , because I checked the er you know checked the content of it , and it did n't put too much onus on police setting up schemes and what not , but the N F U are delivering one of these leaflets in the next week or two to every one of their members in er that particular area , so no doubt we 'll be getting some er contact with it .
17 The players get fined the maximum allowed .
18 Professor Chew attended the graduation of his niece at Stirling some years ago when she obtained a degree in Management Science — and from all accounts they are both Stirling enthusiasts .
19 He was hurt because the reputation he prized , perhaps most of all , of being an all-round expert on the farm would now be jeopardized : and when Walter Cater met the horseman he admired most in the district , as he did every Sunday morning , he was asked quite seriously : ‘ What !
20 That way you get all the help and co-operation we can provide , any other way and you get shown the door .
21 get offered the job first do n't they ?
22 Yeah they get offered the job , but , I told Gary if he puts his erm name forward , is that the Monopoly game ?
23 You always think it 's not going to happen to me , I 'll be all right — but then you get handed the letter .
24 The Earls Court Boat Show last month saw the launching of a GPS set called the Pronav for £1,495 , including VAT , and other sets have begun to tumble in price .
25 Just as Sgt Wilson 's thesis was channelled to me because I was known to be interested in research , so many police research departments now get allocated the task of reading the essays submitted by sergeants and inspectors for NEBS or DMS qualifications .
26 perhaps , you know hit the dust !
27 it 's a real dingy day and I think oh dear , wear their boots and Kagouls , and you feel so much better when you get taken the snow of them , the leaves are nice cos they dry them , scuffle in them .
28 ‘ I 've got half , I get paid the rest when it 's over .
29 And we get paid the week before he does .
30 President Roh Tae Woo denounced the assault on Chung and called for a crackdown on student unrest .
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