Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] at [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In such circumstances national courts of all levels remain entirely at liberty to bring a matter before the European Court if they consider it appropriate to do so .
2 Their eyesight is remarkable in poor light , so they hunt mostly at dawn and dusk .
3 The point has a particular relevance to the work of those who believe , like Foucault , following Nietzsche , that truth is a mere rhetorical device , employed in the interests of oppression , and say so at length .
4 These are the women who cry alone at night .
5 I fly away at Christmas .
6 I mean to move on silently escaping , but I crash straight into a trolley , pushed by a bloke looking like one of the heavyweights in a James Bond film , so I leap away at speed as he snarls after me and knock over a pile of bean tins .
7 From one left — hand set of shelves thin hardwood plates of wood scythe outwards at shoulder and shin height in front of the character ; from the right-hand side a single similar plate scythes outwards at the level of the base of the spine .
8 Also , although some of the demands which had been made in 1381 were echoed in the later risings , in none of them was there anything so clear-cut in the way of a social programme as the demands put forward at Mile End and Smithfield .
9 It would be as sensible to take one run round the football field , look casually at the book of rules , and then wait happily at home until the day of the match , expecting that you will score a winning goal before enthusiastic supporters .
10 ‘ And should any other prince or captain , Christian or infidel , of whatever law or sect or condition he may be , pretend to any right to these lands and seas , I am ready and prepared to deny him and to defend them in the names of the Kings of Castile present and future , whose is this empire and the dominion of these Indies , islands and mainland , northern and southern , with their seas , in the arctic pole as in the antarctic , on both sides of the equinoctial line , within and without the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn — so that each thing and part of it belong and appertain most completely to Their Highnesses and to their successors , as I declare more at length by writ setting forth all that may be said or can be said and alleged in behalf of their royal patrimony , now and for all time so long as the world shall last until the final universal judgement of all mortals . '
11 Look right at home in your apartment . ’
12 A favourite method of torment sees the bogie leap on its victim 's back as they travel alone at night on a country road , clasping hard hands over the person 's eyes so they can not see .
13 To begin with they travel only at night and often they may not go much more than a mile .
14 There is envy , but also fear , of westerners , who seem so at home with the intricacies of capital markets and proportional representation .
15 On the other hand , it is argued in { 10 } that , if we look only at parameter values reasonably far from the critical value , it will usually be the case that the cumulative effect of the whole sequence of complicated bifurcations occurring near the critical parameter value is just to add a single symmetric periodic orbit to the system .
16 It was almost under the mare 's hoofs when it saw fit to leap into the air and then dart away at speed .
17 ‘ In Chicago , you drive around safe in the knowledge that when you travel home at night you 're gon na get home .
18 though they seem perfectly at home in the ‘ normal ’ Mbuna community , rocks and all .
19 look please at item four , on page one , three , four second paragraph , the contingency fund is designed to provide funds in order to pay for major repairs or replacements which may arise in the future these accounts do not include the contingency fund despite strong recommendations from , can you explain please Mr ?
20 Deane picked the ball up outside the area and run diagonally at goal , beat 2 or 3 defenders and took it past another but the ball was running away and Speed came in and hit it with his right foot .
21 And you , you stand there at end of day and think well is it our fault or what ?
22 Glasgow and Edinburgh cars , both dating from 1948 , seem quite at home in Fleetwood by the Parish Church during a tour in 1984 .
23 Why , then , do they not do more for small business and look again at legislation on the late payment of debt ?
24 Look Again at Garden Birds ( rep ) : Eric Thompson on bird behaviour .
25 The sheriff also suggested the prison authorities look again at cell design to try to eradicate any potential risks and prevent prisoners blocking observation holes .
26 Look again at Table 3.3 .
27 Look again at Table 3.3 which shows the aggregate balance sheet of a large number of banks .
28 Look again at Fig. 8.1 on defence spending .
29 When we look specifically at machinery imports from the West , we find that at their peak in the mid-1970s , they amounted to some 5–6 per cent of equipment investment .
30 She picked four kids up and you know right at end here where it 's that criss-cross ?
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