Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The NME of this period is a mutant hybrid where reviews of Engelbert Humperdinck , Andy Williams , The Doors and Led Zeppelin sit uneasily side by side on the page .
2 It will be clear that these two dynamical elements , the smooth propagation a la Schrödinger and the discontinuous collapse on making a measurement , sit uneasily side by side .
3 But colour terms frequently qualify only part of the object their head noun denotes ; furthermore , different colour terms may typically apply to different parts , so that , for instance , Mary 's eyes are blue and Mary 's eyes are red are not contraries ( N.B. there is no lexical ambiguity in these sentences ) .
4 The highly experienced management and staff of Perkins Slade , under the leadership of Mr David Slade , bring anew dimension to the Birmingham Midshires Group and we aim to develop further professional brokerage services to companies and individuals .
5 I eat only fish at the Mermaid these days — not because I believe in dieting , but because I once suffered an awful chips surfeit that put me off them for life .
6 The only colour 's the blue you know but it 's er I always make so noise with anybody 's paper .
7 As early as 1917 Roxburgh demonstrated that many municipal legal systems had developed devices to avoid the restrictions and inconveniences caused by a rigid adherence to the analogous rule that contracts bind only parties to them , a process that continues .
8 There is also a National Council for Urdu Teaching , formed from two previously existing working parties in 1984 : its termly meetings bring together colleagues from a number of different areas .
9 They bring together people with a shared experience of suffering the same problems .
10 Some projects did attempt to establish trade union links at grassroots level : organisations like Coventry Workshop bring together people from a range of causes and struggles in a common endeavour to build connections and analyse the wider context .
11 This has led to intensive attempts to standardise costed " packages of care " which bring together considerations of outcome with workforce and workload planning .
12 They are among the most important disseminators of plant seeds ; and they eat perhaps 90% of the corpses of small animals .
13 Sociologists of religion frequently appear inexcusably reductionist to those whom they study .
14 I want only children in my kingdom .
15 If you remain silent the nightmare will continue for Edward and Joan McDermott who want only justice for an innocent little boy whose young life was snuffed out in a moment of senseless savagery .
16 I can see how those faded images might suggest sultry nights of Mediterranean passion even if to me they now evoke only memories of sunburn and Retsina hangovers .
17 Of the lagomorphs , snowshoe hares are animals of forest and forest-tundra ; Alaskan , varying and arctic hares are widely-ranging tundra species ( some taxonomists say merely races of a single species ) .
18 Uniformed police and plainclothes detectives were also present in even greater numbers than had originally been planned after an elaborate bomb hoax only hours before the funeral .
19 From the summit descend steeply north-west to Bwlch Eryl Farchog .
20 Its small size may also have hurt it it does n't have a lot of ‘ wall-power ’ , and maybe people want more Rembrandt for their money ’ .
21 Expect home truths from a youngster or relative on Sunday .
22 The ideal situation would be a marriage between the two seemingly opposing principles , where alternative and orthodox practitioners reign harmoniously side by side .
23 If we preserve both standards of review we then have to assign different subject-matter areas to each test .
24 A natural extension of the two approaches is to combine them and test both predictions at the same time .
25 ‘ He is my team-mate and we want both cars on the track . ’
26 Place both hands on your hips .
27 Place both hands on your hips and lean to your right side .
28 Crosby has been given permission to speak to the player by his French club Metz , who want about £175,000 for the unsettled Serb .
29 These two supply about 1% of Manchester 's needs .
30 Everything you say now records on there .
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