Example sentences of "[vb base] [pers pn] 're [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The dole do n't even give you payments any more if you say you 're a musician , ’ Carl says , ‘ 'cos they 've said they 're not gon na fund the arts any more anyway .
2 ‘ When you say you 're a singer , people do n't go , ‘ Well , what do you really do ?
3 ‘ You say you 're a friend of Mike 's .
4 Of the forty who said yes , what do you mean by that when you say you 're a feminist ?
5 Say you 're a tailor , ’ whispered Avram , and they were the last words any member of his family was ever able to speak to him .
6 ‘ You say you 're a doctor , ’ I said .
7 ‘ Father and Ellen both say you 're a wicked man . ’
8 So , for instance , if you have an argument with the police er on a matter , you might very well have to say to the police , I think officer you were take that and say you 're a lying bastard .
9 But on the other hand say you 're a hundred and you 're working more with adapters they 're going to really think you 're a strong innovator .
10 And a fellow said to me about two ye , two to three years ago I expect it was two telegraph people up that pole out an just outside of my gate and he 's still there and I walk along the gate and he turned round to me he say you 're a lucky man !
11 They say you 're an adult but because you are still in the school situation you still get treated as a child .
12 Very near the beginning Maggie gave a wee tip , do n't say you 're a representative say you 're an employee of Friends Provident , it makes life easier .
13 You say you 're an accountant , well a lot of people consider accountants to be tickers , those people who check other people 's facts and figures , and secondly you presented what the County Councillors do as more or less a rubber stamping of what the officers put before them .
14 Say you 're the nearest I can find in the book , Filton I should try .
15 What , say you 're the care-giver and I 'm the
16 The Baden Powell boys say we 're no softies .
17 Our adverts say we 're the professionals , the experts , the specialists .
18 Erm , we also , again I mean , as you say , we always look at ourselves and say we 're the best team in the company .
19 ‘ I expect they 're the same ones he used to tell me . ’
20 Those who work with Herefords say they 're a delight to handle .
21 But just a mile across the city , their rivals say they 're the originals .
22 One sees it occasionally in , in a , in school lessons where a teacher will give a straight factual lesson for thirty-five minutes , and then say , ‘ Sit up , get your rulers out , imagine you 're a Saxon peasant . ’
23 ‘ I imagine you 're the only serious candidate .
24 ‘ I hope you 're a good traveller , love , ’ he said and the van rattled away down Wapping High Street .
25 ‘ I hope you 're a good walker , ’ Fen said as he tied up .
26 I mean you 're a slave to it .
27 ‘ You mean you 're a workaholic , you ca n't resist the temptation .
28 There 's words like chief , wad , dude they all mean you 're an idiot , a joker or a means , like , you make a fool of yourself a lot .
29 I appreciate you 're a very clever woman , but then I never took you for a fool .
30 I think you 're suggesting that the local government would do a lot more if the national government would allow it , and I suspect you 're a Labour member of the Oxfordshire County Council and I think that you would point at the Conservative central government as being , if not deliberately anti-women , then the effect of some of it 's policies seemed to indicate that that 's where it 's heading .
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