Example sentences of "[vb base] [pers pn] the money " in BNC.

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1 If you send me the money , I think we could get her for $1,000 .
2 So , ’ he said , ‘ you now owe me the money . ’
3 As Prince and Starky told their followers to sell their lands and give them the money , in 1849 they were able to set up the Agapemone , the ‘ Abode of Love ’ , on land they had bought in the village of Spaxton , near Charlynch .
4 And he said he would bring the mince in to do the , like give them the money for a pound of mince and a packet of
5 Yeah erm you give you give you give me the money now and I 'll give you the elephant later it 's just round the corner .
6 Give me the money , and we 'll go to her house .
7 Give me the money ! ’
8 that 's why they would n't give me my me give me the money back
9 He says the man said give me the money .
10 Ooh diamonds for investment , ah give me the money for them
11 I ai n't go , give me the money then ?
12 You give me the money for it ?
13 You give me the money for it ?
14 Give me the money
15 Interest only mortgages give you the money you need , and you do n't pay it back until your mortgage term is up .
16 That 's why they give you the money instead of making you pay .
17 Nowadays , the majority of building societies do n't want to know about , you know , well , it 's up to you , we give you the money ,
18 Just give you the money you spends .
19 I will pay you back , I promise , as soon as I get payed , I give you the money back .
20 But er no , we were talking and she said if I give you the money you wo n't go and spend it on the
21 give you the money for it .
22 so he was gon na do the same for me , do a bit of shopping well I said you 'll get it like give you the money , so he says well I was gon na do the same but I said the only thing is when we go to the cash desk er , I said I 'm gon na leave you , I said I 'm not standing there
23 I still owe him the money .
24 He said now he 's telling everybody he said that er I ai n't ever paid him and I still owe him the money .
25 Give her the money like she 's got past me she said are you my grandad are my Clayton 's dad ?
26 Give her the money then .
27 Oh that 's the time going you know the and she might expect to stay for us , but best thing is to get the figures and we 'll erm , we 'll do the , give her the money , but erm I 'm sure that he will love that , so would I .
28 No , cos sh I always give her the money beforehand .
29 Lend him the money ? ’
30 Or at least tell him how to get there , or give him the money to get in when he did get there , or at least lend him a map with a cross marked on it , or give him an address .
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