Example sentences of "[vb base] [pers pn] of [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Surely you no longer suspect me of using you in some devious plan to make Lotta jealous ? ’
2 One minute you say trustfully that he contains only soya meal and the next you suspect him of harbouring chunks of minced-up nameless anatomy .
3 A Whig tract of 1711 argued that " The Revolution was almost entirely owing to them [ Tories ] " , whilst the Nonconformist Daniel Defoe repeatedly replied to the charge made by High Churchmen in Anne 's reign that the Dissenters had been responsible for the murder of Charles , by reminding them what they " did to his Son " : " if they will go back to 48 , and provoke us to Recriminate , by telling us of Killing the Father ; let us bring them back to 88 , and tell them of Deposing the Son , and sending him Abroad to beg his Bread " .
4 If a person is rightly charged with larceny , but the jury in reliance on section 44(3) mistakenly convict him of obtaining by false pretences , the Court of Criminal Appeal can not substitute a verdict of guilty of larceny under section 5(2) of the Criminal Appeal Act 1907 ; for the verdict implies an acquittal of larceny , so that it can not ‘ [ appear ] to the Court of Criminal Appeal that the jury must have been satisfied of facts which proved him guilty of [ larceny ] ’ ( Rex v. Fisher ( 1921 ) 16 Cr.App.R. 53 ) .
5 But they accuse me of lying in my book .
6 It always amuses me when Liberal Democrats accuse me of having a ministerial career .
7 ‘ And you accuse me of having an oversized ego ?
8 But if we are going to accuse them of this then we had better also accuse them of inventing the doctrine of the Trinity , for although the New Testament provides evidence for such a cardinal Christian belief it does not set it out in a clear or distinct fashion .
9 A few points here , the quickest being that people do n't accuse their pop heroes of being racists when they make crap records , they accuse them of making crap records .
10 Nicholas Abercrombie and John Urry accuse them of failing to take account of ‘ proletarianizing tendencies ’ within the professional-managerial class .
11 And do it now rather than them pounce on you later and accuse you of hidin' her .
12 Added to which was the emotional harassment of fellow priest Laverty whose idea of support was to visit and then accuse her of trying to wreck the life of a good priest .
13 But Mr Arafat 's critics accuse him of acting like a dictator by forcing his wishes on the Palestinian movement .
14 Animal-breeders , who accuse him of trying to drive them out of business , organised a protest on May 8th , when hundreds of people sent Mr Sims bits of dog-food .
15 Student leaders accuse him of failing to understand the system .
16 Magistrates accuse him of manipulating votes in his Naples power base during last April 's general election .
17 We have read the various articles which have appeared in the Press over the last few days which accuse us of cheating in the recent Test series against England .
18 What chance have we of topping the Order of Merit ? "
19 The case of the Tari Furora paralleled that of the Melanesians in ‘ Marie Lloyd ’ , but it is to his ideal City , and his actual urban Western civilization that Eliot relates this Papuan discovery : ‘ … if we are so helpless in the hands of our ‘ civilization ’ that we admit our inability to prevent it from ruining Papuans , what hope have we of saving ourselves ? ’
20 If our " helping hands " were in fact the embrace of a leper , " what hope have we of saving ourselves ? "
21 If we ca n't cross the Sea of Storms , a tenth of the distance , what chance have we of navigating that far ? ’
22 What hope have we of assessing movements in population in the tenth , eleventh and twelfth centuries ?
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