Example sentences of "[vb base] [pers pn] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 You know all the guests and something about them ; you can greet , welcome , introduce and generally make them feel at home .
2 If you present someone with a set of stripes on a TV screen and make them move at right angles to their long axis , that is the direction in which the person will see them move .
3 So use the opportunity , get a return , make them take a good look at you and then you know you 're alright and can go on for another couple of years and make them look at you again .
4 In an effort to combat the isolation and fear I felt at the time , I sought out a number of parents in similar situations to my own ; we had to create our own support systems .
5 Well , well she was , she was standing outside , I mean I looked at her this morning and I 've loo so I 've sort of looked at her , and I was going to speak to her and then this fella walked up and I thought , I , I mean I could n't gauge whether , and I mean my , I , I was thinking what I was going to say anyway , I was going to say er you know sa is it Paula so you perhaps do n't remember me but I , I , and then I was going to say I 'm Adrian , Adrian
6 it 'll be back again Mind you , I feel it I mean I know at the moment it 's it 's me I my elbows in the morning I ca n't hardly move them when I wake up in the morning because I get that far my arms have to be outside the bed and our bedroom 's that cold
7 I mean I think at the end of the day because we 're w going to have to basically in a sense your job I think even though at the moment you 're saying you know fine I 'm not gon na exclude anything , I think it 's actually going to be sort of , to try and eliminate most of this .
8 I 've given them er question mark on the shape of the country it 's a map but the ha what I think is easy , I du n no I mean to I mean I look at maps all day long , so
9 I mean I worked at , as an open afternoon or something where we invite like into the theatre
10 We tell them to be quiet because we want them to look at television , or say it 's too wet to go out for a walk when they are wanting to wear their new wellies .
11 ‘ If you mean I want them to look at my gown , you 're correct . ’
12 When at last he placed the phone down he turned and gazed at Joe , saying in a bewildered tone , ‘ It 's Harry ; they … they want me to go at once . ’
13 and if I ca n't get want I want at the Famlingham Textile Centre which is excellent when I next need fabrics I shall come up , I will come up to London and I 'll go to Libertys , but I will have measured first of all to within an inch as to what I want because
14 Well what d' ya get at school today then ?
15 ‘ As a precaution I suggest you look at what assets you can liquidise quickly .
16 ‘ I suggest you look at the evidence with your own eyes before you start accusations that you might find impossible to back up .
17 I really do n't know Emily because I 've never even heard of the work and I suggest you look at it in the dictionary
18 You 're beginning to sound like a mother hen ; I half expect you to cluck at any minute . ’
19 I expect you aimed at the walls. ,
20 What d' you do at work ?
21 They say she lived at Antioch in Pisidia during the reign of the Emperor Diocletian .
22 No , ever , everything we say she laughs at .
23 If you 're wanting to take er early retirement and erm you 're wanting enhancement say you retire at fifty nine and you want some enhancement , can you ask for enhancement sort of up to sixty five or has it only got to be up to sixty ?
24 as I say you look at I mean this is two fifty .
25 You say you work at a desk .
26 ‘ I want you to begin at the beginning and tell me your life .
27 She was waiting in the yard and she said , ‘ I want you to look at Angharad .
28 I want you to look at a cow now .
29 " There 's another horse I want you to look at , " he said .
30 What I want you to look at is this area to the north-west of Foulness Island , the stretch called Winter Marsh .
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