Example sentences of "[vb base] [art] [adj] part " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Consignor loans remain the main part of our loan business , although we generally now only advance about 35% of the low estimate ( as opposed to 1989 when up to 50% might have been loaned ) which reflects the uncertainties of the market today .
2 The new philosophers ‘ cut off and deny the noblest parts of nature and then sweep together the dust of agitated atoms and tell us that they have resolved all the phenomena in nature ’ .
3 As with bleeding , raise the affected part up so that the circulation slows down .
4 they make the front part of the sail considerably more efficient and are primarily used in racing .
5 I mean the narrowest part of the river I would say is er where Hall Bridge is , that 's the narrowest part .
6 At some time over the next couple of days he could call into a hardware shop to find a match , and replace the missing part on his next visit .
7 Will the Foreign Secretary enlist the co-operation of his partners in the European Community to address their attention to some of the living features of the history of Cyprus , to insist that every one of the 35,000 Turkish troops that occupy the northern part of Cyprus shall be withdrawn , and to send a message to the families of the 6,000 Greek Cypriots who were killed in 1974 and the sixteen hundred and —
8 Pre-select from right to left and press the right part button and the left tuck button .
9 But few people realise the huge part they play in the lives of those who need help .
10 Now associate the following parts with particular discourse types , and consider how students could be helped to identify them and locate them :
11 Clarinets and bassoons supply the melodic part of the texture , while the oboes are allotted the reiterated notes , and flutes , horns , and pizzicati strings give weight to the accented chords which occur at the end of each bar and the beginning of the next .
12 Despite this being only their fourth gig , Hyperhead have gone way past the ‘ influenced by ’ stage and instead shovel the relevant parts of recent musical history into a blast furnace .
13 Laurasia 's similar explosion gave rise to the North Atlantic , and the Tethys was widened to produce the Mediterranean and all the other shallow seas that decorate the central parts of Asia and southern Russia .
14 they usually involve a significant part of the work being carried out without close supervision ;
15 I , too , want no more part of it .
16 They occupy a major part of my time — time I would prefer to be spending on actually trying to improve the services we offer .
17 It is clear from the evidence on British kinship that people do acknowledge a wide range of uncles , aunts , nieces , nephews and cousins as forming part of their kin network in some sense , but whether these people place a significant part in structures of support is quite another matter .
18 In many gardens ornaments provide an essential part of the distinctive character of the place .
19 As an aspect of culture , roles provide an important part of the guidelines and directives necessary for an ordered society .
20 Volunteers who give their labour free provide an important part of work done by Citizens Advice Bureaux , law centres , marriage guidance , youth work and teaching English to foreigners .
21 If it gains approval it will last up to 80 years and remove the best part of an entire hillside in an NSA of stunning contrasts : sea lochs , rugged , glaciated gneiss and thriving crofting villages around Lingarabay .
22 By contrast , most British supporters walk the last part of the way to the stadium and derive a greater sense of excitement , anticipation and being part of a crowd .
23 It is lighted by 40 small , arched windows which pierce the lower part .
24 Swedish agricultural policy is principally directed towards the enlargement of farms and an overall reduction in crop acreage and farm labour , but rural communities which earn the major part of their income from agriculture or forestry and whose populations are declining are recognised as a national asset whose survival should be safeguarded .
25 Some authorities might argue for a shorter span , giving Baudelaire a title as father of modern art criticism or Wölflinn the key part in the development of art history .
26 The order in which we put the various parts of England under the local government commission 's microscope will be for the Government to decide .
27 On the following evening , her plan laid , Joan again found an excuse to retire early and put the first part of the scheme into action .
28 He hung to the rail and let the top part of his body curl over the banister and his dangling head could catch the full undistracted view of the dark , clear mass , seething below .
29 It is well known that the majority of dementia sufferers living at home receive the main part of their care from family , friends and neighbours ( see for example Bergmann , 1978 ; Levin et al , 1983 ) .
30 The usual reason for the cessation of the sand supply is the formation of a newer line of dunes in front of those previously developed , and these new dunes trap the greater part of the sand supply .
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