Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] to a " in BNC.

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1 On Saturday nights around 30 people sit down to a four-course SE Asian banquet .
2 Playing a Stableford of the three best individual scores , they finish about 3½ hours later and sit down to a breakfast provided by the ladies .
3 It occurred to her that most people , her former self included , would not walk away from an attack by a homicidal transvestite and sit down to a healthy breakfast .
4 Just over two million of our pupils sit down to a knife-and-fork meal at midday .
5 In one house a family of six sit down to a meal , using three-legged chairs and chunks of masonry for seats .
6 When Connor came back with a pint pot in either hand , he found his wife in the arms of the young Welshman , and stood smiling , watching them dance together to a song that had become all the rage in the last few years :
7 Moreover the fractal transform technique provides perceptual resolution independence : zoom in to a picture and instead of getting a blocky , pixellated image , the software gives a realistic effect by actually adding detail in that was n't in the original .
8 Push gently to a count of five and repeat other side .
9 Using something tangible like photographs keeps the memory load down to a minimum and eases the stress of always having to think of something to say .
10 As the full , six-strong complement of the member 's Committee representatives were present , and obviously in support , he would quickly realise the arithmetic of it and press on to a vote .
11 P. P. Sometimes , when we were going in at night , when it was wet , we would try and put a mac on and slip down to A Division parade room — hang the mac up quick and dive into your coat .
12 Or grind down to a powder if you want to add it to smooth sauces .
13 Maybe Bunny could learn to moonlight on a mainframe somewhere and tap in to a whole new reference work of nubile young ladies .
14 They were awake before dawn and for the second time they heard the chorus begin as a trickle and grow swiftly to a torrent as the birds welcomed the great Trumpeter .
15 Descend easily to a point level with the base of the stack .
16 Dissonant notes do not resolve , but leap away to a consonance in the same chord , as at .
17 I sometimes head off to a certain place .
18 The troops , expecting to be ‘ home by Christmas ’ after a few gallant cavalry charges , held an impressive open air church parade in the Recreation Field and in late August the town gave a lively send off to a detachment of the ‘ Kings Own ’ .
19 The best wines are made from the highest vines northwest of Grauves , which grow up to a height of 220 metres , and from those in an east-facing gulley , south-west of the village .
20 All modems hook up to a serial port .
21 They usually build up to a God 's eye view of the causal processes slowly , starting from a simple relationship , imagining how it might be more complex , testing to see if that is in fact the case , and so on .
22 The resistance to this shearing will start at nothing , build up to a maximum , and decline again to zero when the atoms get to the top of the hump .
23 Does detail build up to a whole or is detail obtained by microscoping the whole ?
24 Skippers say up to a dozen tankers can be seen drifting among them .
25 There was a direct connection with the shipyards , not only in terms of orders by British owners ( who now build abroad to a far greater extent than any other non-flag of convenience maritime nation ) , but through the training of engineering officers who traditionally served their time as fitters in the yards or engine works before going to sea .
26 hold on to a finished thing ?
27 Curve the body to one side and hold on to a part of your leg that you can reach easily , stretching the other arm straight up .
28 Daisy had brought her sketch pad , but found it difficult to capture the action and hold on to a straining Ethel .
29 Hankin , who spent 18 months at Peterborough under John Wile before being released in 1985 , saw his young braves survive numerous corners and hold on to a point against a side who have seen off Liverpool and Newcastle at home this season .
30 But be warned that some species react badly to a change of water chemistry , and a ‘ home quarantine tank in which the fish may be further conditioned and observed before releasing them into an established aquarium , is an asset .
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