Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] part [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But colour terms frequently qualify only part of the object their head noun denotes ; furthermore , different colour terms may typically apply to different parts , so that , for instance , Mary 's eyes are blue and Mary 's eyes are red are not contraries ( N.B. there is no lexical ambiguity in these sentences ) .
2 The Burtons let off part of the house and lived in the rest .
3 This field is situated at the edge of the Zechstein salt basin and thin beds of halite extend over part of the structure .
4 Order twen er , rule twenty , eight , four provides that when a party is entitled to costs , and that of course is the case of the plaintiffs , a , fails without good reason to commence or conduct proceedings for the taxation of those costs in accordance with this order or any direction or b , delays lodging a bill of costs for taxation , the taxing office may one , disallow already part of the costs of taxation that he would otherwise would warn about the party and two , after taking into account all the circumstances , including any prejudice suffered by any other party as result of such failure or delay as the case maybe , and any additional interest payable under section seventeen of the judgements act because of the failure or delay , allow the party so entitled less than the amount he would otherwise have allowed on taxation of the bill are wholly disallowed the costs , his provision for an appeal to allow to the judge and chambers and that is the way the matter is coming before
5 Yet if he has watched Eastern Europe closely he will have seen that , however the transition begins , be it by round table , coalition government or free election , once Communists give up part of their power they quickly end up losing it all .
6 Architect of the drive towards ‘ People 's Television ’ , Sydney Newman took with him to the BBC his observations on the experiment , which he summed up by saying , ‘ Children of today , who make up part of our vast audience , are well informed and are capable of some pretty sophisticated judgements .
7 The figures for percentage sedentary people at the beginning of this chapter tell only part of the story .
8 However , these rules and formally laid down procedures tell only part of the story .
9 But the figures tell only part of the story .
10 They tell only part of the story , and leave out any elements which do not fit into their chosen line of argument .
11 By the end of the century things had at last begun to change : in 1899 Primitive Methodists agreed a minimum of £100 while Congregationalists and Baptists set aside part of their Twentieth Century Funds for salaries .
12 After all the fuss in the papers this morning , I feel positively part of this project !
13 So they feel really part of er part of it .
14 If you use only part of your agreed overdraft , you will pay interest only on the sum you have actually borrowed and not on the full amount agreed .
15 Once the question for the court becomes one of making its own assessment of the evidence , making findings of fact on all the relevant evidence placed before it and drawing the appropriate legal conclusion , and is no longer a question of simply reflecting government policy , letters from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office become merely part of the evidence in the case .
16 But here , the B section may be no more than a brief refrain like the ‘ Alleluias ’ which end both parts of Richafort 's ‘ Quem dicunt homines ’ or an extended section of more than forty bars as with the ‘ fera pessima devoravit filium meum Joseph ’ of Clemens 's ‘ Tulerunt autem ’ which is spliced with the ends of the preceding sections in a way that epitomizes the composer 's technical skill :
17 Taylor and Walton note that sabotage can be difficult to define : at one end it merges with informal practices which become almost part of normal procedure , ‘ neither openly demanded nor openly questioned ’ , while in extreme cases sabotage may be identified with explicitly political violence .
18 Despite this , Potidaia paid tribute to Athens , who in 433/2 demanded that Potidaia should send home the Corinthian magistrates and pull down part of her walls .
19 It must be stressed that these examples refer in some cases to complete pieces of music , in others to themes which form only part of a longer movement .
20 16.30 : Write up part of diary .
21 But feeble personalities explain only part of the Social Democrats ' woes .
22 Travelling in a clockwise direction the route proceeds from Cat Nab , Saltburn along part of the Cleveland Way and along the cliff edge down to the beach at Cattersty Sands .
23 Those training activities represent only part of the work in which Roy Knott and his team are involved .
24 As the hon. Gentleman will appreciate , those measures represent only part of our considerable range of initiatives .
25 Another problem comes from the fact that many staff members spend only part of their time on a project .
26 Those who earn £43 a week or more will lose benefit for the whole of that week — even if they work only part of it and are unemployed for the remaining days .
27 Those who earn £43 a week or more will lose benefit for the whole of that week — even if they work only part of it and are unemployed for the remaining days .
28 Those who earn £43 a week or more will lose benefit for the whole of that week — even if they work only part of it and are unemployed for the remaining days .
29 ‘ I have here part of an old plough , ’ said Nour .
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