Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Eat slowly in convivial surroundings and , above all , enjoy your food .
2 There 's still a couple of beat up chairs there and I sit down in one of them .
3 You doant eat enough in those foreign parts , surely .
4 This included rescue work south-east of the walled area and the longer-term operations in Normangate Field north of the River Nene , most of which remain only in interim published form .
5 ‘ A bicycle is the thing I want most in all the world ! ’
6 He would sit there all day doing this , sleeping sometimes in his chair but never tuning off , trying to make all these pieces of television fit together in some way .
7 The converse is seldom true , since many herbs grow naturally in poor dry soils .
8 The plants grow naturally in impoverished peat bogs , and they devour insects as a source of protein .
9 The crucial point in this deductive piece of science was that corals grow only in shallow water ; the theory became generally accepted , and helped to make Darwin 's name as a geologist .
10 D. From long experience the Wills family know that cereal crops ( wheat and barley ) normally grow better in this region than in other parts of Britain .
11 THE generally held belief that the marriage of Diana and Charles has broken down seems to depend on photographs of the couple on the few occasions on which they appear together in public .
12 Expect only in that , it was a danger that you were going to incur expenditure , which is of an unlawful n nature , pending on the clearly wish to comment .
13 There again , I would say that top down in this country it is fast enough , and what shake there is certainly is not accompanied by any rattles or ‘ looseness ’ .
14 I hurry over in that direction .
15 Alternatively , grow outside in full sun .
16 They grow best in cool , damp conditions , and will continue growth well into the autumn .
17 Poststructuralism , deriving from Mallarmé as well as Saussure , has developed a heady rhetoric in which signifiers are prised apart from signifieds , in Hawkes 's phrase , and then fly away in all directions in their ‘ free play ’ .
18 Other examples appear elsewhere in this chapter .
19 Cultural marginality , which encompasses the culture of poverty concept ( Lewis 1966 ) , has been largely discredited because of the implication that traits such as apathy and passivity , which are the hallmarks of the culture of poverty , are very strongly imbedded in those who grow up in such a culture and therefore prevent them responding positively if opportunities arise .
20 Now , however I realise that they all grow up in different stages and learn to do different things at different times .
21 Bangladeshi infants are constantly in a busy social and tactile environment , whereas Welsh babies grow up in smaller households in which independence is encouraged .
22 More children today grow up in 3 or 4 generation extended families , with several grandparents alive and often some great-grandparents .
23 They build up in shallow waters , off the edge of tropical or sub-tropical continents , where the waters are stirred , and light penetrates .
24 Yet here is a natural means of self-gratification and of relief from sexual tensions which build up in all of us , which is widely viewed ( regardless of whether it is practised ) as somehow wicked , aberrant , distasteful or shameful .
25 Previously they used corn-cob husks and bits of walnut shell to remove the carbon dust and oil that build up in large motors and cause them to short circuit .
26 We had the Roskill report back in 1986 .
27 To remove , score the past with a knife and peel back in one layer .
28 The distinction is blurred by species that grow periodically in hard conditions and aperiodically where they are protected .
29 That may be so , but the prince was ousted from power by the Lon Nol coup back in 1970 , and made only a brief comeback as a Khmer Rouge figurehead in 1976 .
30 We do n't wait till the kingdom comes before we celebrate , we celebrate now in joyful anticipation .
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