Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I dress in haste and at ten I sit down to compose until about twelve or half past twelve .
2 I take my jacket off again and sit down to look through the War files …
3 Every day of the week , Maureen Timmins and her daughter Amanda sit down to write to their friends in America .
4 We tend naturally to concentrate on effectiveness — everybody does despite the evidence from curriculum development projects in all subjects that take-up is a far greater problem .
5 That conflict of views has its fierce advocates on both sides , and I am neither well informed nor dispassionate enough to comment on it From the presumed perspective of John Howard , the Ellis-Beto administrations overall emerge with credit , because they did insist on the publication of official rules , and that was a big breakthrough .
6 If you can scrape together a few hits and make enough to retire to a little place in the suburbs , you 've made the most of the opportunity .
7 Behaviourists , for example , want only to treat of overt behaviour as the data for psychological research and this is as much a theoretical specification of what , for them , is to count as data as experience and meaning are for non-behaviourists .
8 It 's laughable , afraid of a storm but brave enough to wait in the dark down by the river and bash your friend over the head .
9 You need n't be a ‘ saint ’ to face it , just brave enough to leave behind ‘ all our yesterdays ’ .
10 But stations particularly unstaffed appear not to fall within its remit .
11 Concepts concerning relationships between units are probably acquired in school , and most pupils appear not to deal with Imperial units to any great extent in the mathematics classroom .
12 Send not to know by whom the trigger is squeezed , it is squeezed by us all .
13 Meanwhile I 'm perfectly content just to lie in the sun by the peaceful ornamental pond .
14 Scotland will hold a public practice at Murrayfield today , though part of it will likely be in camera — when the forwards head indoors to work on the hydraulic scrummaging machine .
15 Enjoy the tops in transatlantic music when the Stylistics fly over to star with Suzi Quatro on the week-end of Friday , November 13 , to Monday , November 16 .
16 Better not to exist at all .
17 Better not to look at Belle Maman 's face .
18 Two entrances , an upper and a lower , descend easily to join under a natural bridge where a passage descends into darkness but becomes choked by boulders .
19 Seagull partly to blame for jockey 's death
20 This ungiving endurance is admired by working-class boys who grow up to write about their mothers ' flinty courage .
21 I certainly assure the right hon. Gentleman that there is no sense in which the Government want positively to discriminate in favour of one type of schooling over others , because parents have a right to choose .
22 Unlike us , the horse 's teeth continuously grow upwards to compensate for wear which is why they need regular checking and rasping .
23 Having looked briefly at some features of particular NBFIs in section 4.1 , we want now to reflect on the extent to which they fulfil some of those functions which we said in section 2.3 a financial system is expected to fulfil .
24 I want now to turn to a less philosophical question about my passage from my armchair to the kitchen .
25 I want now to turn to some questions of form and genre , trying to identify a particular set of formal and institutional parameters for television , and returning at the end of the essay to questions of value .
26 I want now to turn to the reforming efforts made by feminists , first in the domain of the lexicon ( and the dictionary , which is the ‘ official record ’ of the lexicon ) and then in the domain of grammar .
27 I WANT now to move to a more detailed consideration of Flame in the Streets as it contains many of the features with which I am concerned .
28 I want now to look at some of these images of the female self in feminist discourse : my particular examples are from the work of Mary Daly , Marilyn Frye and Kate Millett .
29 I want now to look at some aspects of self-experience that I think should be central to any theory of self , and hence to any discussion of women 's autonomy .
30 I want now to look at " The retreate " by Henry Vaughan and to examine a small number of its elements and terms in relation to the methodology already described .
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