Example sentences of "[vb base] [conj] the same " in BNC.

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1 Evidence from prehistoric ritual sites , such as the painted caves of western and central Europe , suggest that the same or similar traditions of behaviour towards animals and nature existed during the Palaeolithic some 20,000 years ago ( Levine , 1971 ) .
2 They concluded , We suggest that the same process by which individuals make coherent the externally generated visual episodes of daily life is at work during dreaming ; when an individual encounters the internally generated visual episodes in REM sleep , he deploys this ability ( in whatever measure he possesses it ) to make this encounter coherent .
3 These data suggest that the same factor , present in different amounts , is responsible for the binding of Raji , RJ2.2.5 and AR extracts to the X-box .
4 Make that the same
5 In 10 out of 12 EC countries , lower taxes mean that the same bottle is sold for less :
6 ( Abler , Adams and Gould show that the same southeastern States were also among those that were late in the reform of their divorce laws . )
7 Similar experiments have been done by Blakemore , Hirsch and Spinelli , and others , which show that the same rule applies to other forms of selectivity .
8 Economic forces ensure that the same efficient allocation will happen in either case .
9 And thereupon their Majestyes were pleased that the said lords spirituall and temporall and commons being the two Houses of Parlyament should continue to sitt and with their Majesty 's Roy all concurrence make effectuall provision for the settlement of the religion lawes and liberties of this king dome soe that the same for the future might not be in danger againe of being subverted , to which the said lords spirituall and temporall and commons did agree and proceede to act accordingly .
10 I suspect that the same is true for his profession and the objects on their desk ; calculator , notepad , diary and telephone book for example .
11 That is the overwhelming response that I have received , and I suspect that the same is true of my hon. Friend the Member for Chelmsford ( Mr. Burns ) .
12 Now the reason I mention last year 's events , is that I suspect that the same arguments are gon na be trotted out again .
13 It may be helpful , when considering a precedent , to ask why a particular term has been included , and what it is intended to achieve , and then consider whether the same result can be achieved in any other way : for instance , it may be possible to express the same idea more clearly or concisely .
14 The only thing is that the VIP treatment ( with ritual speeches , etc. ) sometimes gets a bit wearing and we sometimes have to keep a very straight face when the same political points are made to us over and over again by this or that party cadre when we go on official visits .
15 Perhaps the final act , with its slow playing out of Scarpia 's macabre joke , is beyond redemption dramatically ; but how , pray , does Tosca , who exited through vast double doors into a corridor in Act Two , know that the same doors provide , in Act Three , a convenient jumping off point to eternity ?
16 At the same time , we know that the same mercy can be shown by God to those who have known both divorce and remarriage . ’
17 We now know that the same goes for all our particles of inheritance .
18 Patterson attests that /a/ was raised after both velars ( /k/ and /g/ ) , and Gregg 's ( 1964 ) lists for Larne ( 20 miles north of Belfast ) indicate that the same pattern has applied there .
19 The essence of his difficulty was that time and change imply that the same thing can have contradictory properties — it can be , say , hot and cold , depending on the time — and this conflicted with the rule that nothing can possess incompatible attributes .
20 Of those who resist cable she says ‘ just remember that the same arguments were put forward against ITV over 25 years ago ; they were wrong then and they will be wrong again . ’
21 My first experience in going into tramcars er in , in Edinburgh anyway and I suppose that the same thing would have happened er in any country , just gone through the ravages of war , with blackouts and so forth .
22 Note that the same basic method of connection is used for transformers which have twin 120 volt primary windings when they are used with continental 120 volt mains supplies .
23 Because the nests are in such orderly rows , scientists at the Museum of Paleontology at Drumheller , Alberta , believe that the same species of dinosaur returned to the site to give birth each year for many hundreds of years .
24 All normal men find that the same sort of actions and feelings , basically the various forms of benevolence , possess this quality .
25 Er the same things happens with nouns and verbs and other things and in Ja Japanese again I think you find that the same words are pronounced differently .
26 Note if the same misspelling occurs more than once .
27 They argue that the same rigour should be applied to the study of older patients with cancer as for younger - ‘ only then will we see strikingly reduced population mortality and improved quality of life for older patients with cancer . ’
28 The plaintiffs argue that the same principle should apply in favour of making an order that the defendant should deliver up such property on the basis that such an order is not an order for discovery and that the authorities relating to discovery have no application .
29 I wonder whether the same delusions of accuracy exist with things like the Volhard titration and its questions of whether the sliding endpoint is best avoided by filtering off the silver or adding nitrobenzene .
30 I wonder whether the same view would apply if Neil Young or Van Morrison came knocking at the door . ’
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