Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We suggest that working-class people make rather more of a ‘ thing ’ of the whole business than do middle-class people , irrespective of their religious beliefs .
2 Cars , cameras , motorbikes and hi-fis may be getting to the stage where only the keenest enthusiast can tell them apart , but tractors remain mercifully different from each other .
3 After the achievement of political independence this nationalist fervour does not necessarily abate , and may even increase ; not only because , in many cases , the new nations remain economically dependent within the capitalist world economy , but also because their own development is conceived as a national task , closely bound up with the policies of an efficient , interventionist state .
4 But because it is part of the school ethos ( for teachers and pupils alike ) that it is embarrassing to show that you have been hurt , people remain mostly unaware of the pain that these mundane disparagements cause .
5 If you are a non-customer , please take the form to the Midland branch most convenient for you .
6 The greatest designers can sway with the prevailing mood of the moment , but remain fundamentally true to their own spirit ; Issey Miyake continues to delight audiences at his beautiful shows by determining his own uniquely futuristic fashion logic .
7 There are many variations , but plan and elevations remain fundamentally unchanged in the great temples of the fifth century : of Zeus at Olympia ( plan fig. 120 ) and the Parthenon ( view fig. 129 ) .
8 As part of its work the EPRG is anxious to construct , and then make widely available to interested parties , an inventory of all case-control studies that are in progress across Europe and that are designed to investigate possible associations between particular conditions and prior exposure to medicinal products .
9 Though the markets remain nervously responsive to war news from the Gulf , they now seem to discount a serious threat to Saudi production .
10 Sit down all of you in the dining-room , and have your tea .
11 O God , give your grace to the United Nations Organisation in all its manifold work ; in its work for the children who suffer so much from the injustices of our society , in education and in health , in the relief of poverty and hunger , and in its work for peace .
12 Fish do not find worms that look like that and hooks lose so much of their penetrating power .
13 Starting this month , RISC Management spins out its benchmark supplement into a focused stand-alone publication called BENCHpress Quarterly available for $195 a year to new subscribers .
14 Now you know why you eat so many of 'em .
15 That is why the contests for the Labour Party 's leadership and deputy leadership sit so ill in the context of the continuing post-mortem — or biopsy , as Neil Kinnock insisted on calling it — after Labour 's fourth consecutive election defeat .
16 When partners leave the partnership they remain personally liable for all debts incurred during the period of their membership .
17 The provision of English language teaching is already a major source of revenue to Britain , from the language schools that yearly bring literally millions of foreign students to the country , to the British Council exports of English language and culture across the world and the institutional supports for such practices provided by publishing houses , printers and writers of textbooks .
18 Seaweed dangling from the metal struts like matted hair , wind so rough against his skin .
19 In the last 30 years , and long before the amalgamation in March of the white and black and brown rugby factions , the unions were gradually split and sub-divided until now they number perhaps 26. of these , 20 are rural , including Boland and Border , and have been weakened to a point where they are virtually powerless , impoverished , dying or dead .
20 It might say something about the Americans that they remain so obsessed with this repellent , perverted killer and his pathetic entourage .
21 Many counties remain so untouched by the commercial age that lost balls are still classified as a major item of expenditure .
22 But when permissive or instructional therapy is needed , the interesting question is why people remain so ignorant about their bodies and potential sexuality when there are so many relevant books on the market , when sex education is provided in schools and when many glossy magazines promote the virtue and necessity of orgasm .
23 ‘ We remain greatly concerned by the failure of the Iranian authorities to repudiate this incitement to murder and to repudiate the bounty , ’ the spokesman said .
24 But the ‘ and 's ’ and ‘ or 's ’ and the more and more rarely irritate , and are triumphant in the great set-pieces which mean so much to all three books — like that palimpsest of faces in Addis Ababa .
25 To abandon them at such a moment implies that they did not , after all , mean so much to the animal — they were not a ‘ safe haven ’ in quite the way they had pictured themselves .
26 ‘ I am having difficulty appreciating why the fate of these ghosts , who were unknown to you in life , mean so much to you , ’ she said .
27 Finally , can I thank , on your behalf , the sterling efforts of all heads of departments and staff at Trinity Road , and all my colleagues in our Council and Committees whose efforts mean so much to the work of the Association .
28 Shelley , you mean so much to me — come down to the pool , and let's talk things over quietly .
29 Most of it comes think so , I mean so much of it comes from the North American Indians that
30 This chapter will therefore look at status in the landscape , since this hierarchy and the differences in status are so evident and mean so much in terms of why the landscape looks like it does .
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