Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [prep] so " in BNC.

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1 Cut off for so long from most western visitors , the wonderful and varied scenery and marvellous historic cities will surely make this country one of the most popular tourist destinations of all .
2 ‘ Always have to be alive to the possibility it 's more than one person , Cameron , especially with a group of crimes spread out over so much territory , and fairly complicated ones at that . ’
3 no its not for my husband cos my husband says you look nice whether I 've got make up on or whether I have n't got make up on so really
4 I think it 's their attitude because with Mr Price we get away with so much and then he says , no , and we have a real good old time .
5 However , I am very sad that the Government — for the next few months , anyway — are trying to drag their heels and opt out of so many important aspects of what the Community is doing .
6 Talks incessantly to the point of forgetting what the original question was , using long , rambling sentences which go on for so long that the interviewee ca n't remember where they started .
7 Yes for that I do n't know cos in wo one oh actually it might be this they 've added this ste Essentials actually on conversation it is a you end up with so many do n't you ?
8 He never realised , on that eventful day , that she would ‘ come into my arms ’ ( as he put it ) and stay there for so many years , adding in no small degree to the legends of love which keep the world sane and hopeful .
9 We wade around in so many glossy pointless circulars , so many yards of dubious newsprint , that it is easy to forget this primary fact : it is words , and our ability to speak and write , which make us human .
10 his join up in so many varied ways
11 they come up with so many answers they never know which one to pick .
12 And we 've never to so we do n't know .
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