Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] he [art] " in BNC.

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1 Modigliani declined as politely but suggested to Lunia that she should come to his studio and pose for him the following day .
2 Make him fit the bill ; imagine for him the attributes that you require .
3 Six months ago , we put to him the problem of single-union agreements and he dismissed it .
4 And he demands that I create for him a mate , a gigantic Eve to give him solace . ’
5 ‘ The member shall ensure that a person is not appointed as a company representative of that member except on terms which impose on him a duty to act in the performance of his functions as a company representative in such a way as to comply with the code of conduct ; …
6 It was to hound and hasten Leonard 's waking thoughts , eliminate any residual interest he may have possessed in mere intellectual commitment , and open to him the stark reality of life downtown .
7 But we also attribute to him the power to mediate between those same concerns and the hostile forces of disease .
8 See what he 's doing with his fur , look scratching and it 's going off and , he knocks his fur off and then it falls , falls out look at him the
9 Oh yeah , I , but I did n't realize you know with him the old man , the toughy , yeah
10 Sport ; , I will argue , can have a most stimulating , uplifting impact on the participant and instil in him a fresh thirst for achievement in sporting and other circles .
11 ‘ We talk about him a lot and feel that he 's with us .
12 In 1933 it was suggested that Mosley should visit the new German leader , Adolf Hitler , and discuss with him the future of Fascism in Britain .
13 Oh talk to him a minute .
14 It had happened again while he was screwing his resolution to go and see a certain man in London and make to him an excessively embarrassing confession which justice demanded .
15 I usually bump into him every so often on the stairs , in one of the upstairs rooms or in the garden , but I have not seen him in some time .
16 ‘ The less you respond to him the more he tries to get to you — I know I can be a bit intense so it 's really good that he taught me to have fun at work and loosen up . ’
17 Anna 's answer was , If you go to him the instant you are free , what will the world say ?
18 She was employed by the parish for twelve hours a week and her nominal duties were to come in on Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays , clean the flat , wash and spin dry any linen or articles in the soiled linen basket , and prepare and leave for him a simple lunch on a tray .
19 But I think about him a great deal .
20 I think of him a lot , you know .
21 When Dorothy , a former nurse , claimed , ‘ We 're crazy about each other , I think of him every waking moment , ’ you believed every word .
22 I could tell him anything , even share with him the contradictory motives within my personality , and he would still love and accept me .
23 I leave with him the thought , especially as Labour is apparently committed to adding another £9 a week to national insurance contributions for 3 million or more people , that if such a policy had been pursued , contributions for an employee on average earnings and his employer would now be about £9 a week more than they are .
24 It was pleasant to stroll around on an evening such as this , thinking productively about the work which would make his name ( and his fortune ) and restore to him the sense of achievement he had so greatly enjoyed as an undergraduate journalist and Union wit .
25 So little wonder that Mains should return to his country home just south of Dunedin and take with him a rather jaundiced view of the workings of New Zealand rugby , and the partiality of some of the media who followed the Stewart party line in South Africa .
26 I recommend to him a good paragraph in ’ Raising the Standard ’ : ’ We propose that every LEA should be placed under a legal duty to maintain a local inspectorate of schools , separate from any team of advisers or advisory teachers . ’
27 " But you write to him every day .
28 Ultimately , because we pray for him every night , he will change his politics .
29 He told Wordsworth how he would lie on the leads , or flat roof , of Christ 's Hospital , and gaze into the sky because that was the only face of nature London could not obscure , or how he would close his eyes and ‘ by internal light ’ see before him the trees and meadows of Ottery and the river itself .
30 And if Pound so blithely overlooks that difference , does n't that mean that we have in him a critic who attends to form , to style , at the expense of what that form and that style are used so as to convey ?
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