Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] [det] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Every year we buy his work for more than the year before and every year we sell for more than the year before 1991 being no exception .
2 Other costs seem equally hard to cut ( staff costs account for less than a third of the total ) .
3 But exports of cheap beef to west Africa account for less than half of one per cent of total EC beef production .
4 Second , we are sceptical about trade figures in general and , third , these figures only account for less than half Britain 's trade . ’
5 Its virtual monopoly on the allegiance of the Ovambo , who account for more than half Namibia 's population of 1.3 million , all but guarantees Swapo more than half the voters .
6 If junior creditors account for more than a third of the creditors , they can force concessions from their senior partners .
7 Some 121 countries may be designated ‘ developing ’ and of this 121 , 17 countries account for more than four-fifths of energy consumption .
8 The aim is to reduce the ranks of the young unemployed who now account for more than half the nation 's two million jobless and to give them an added skill which will help them find work when the training is over .
9 British equities account for more than half of the assets of British funds ; foreign equities are a further 20% .
10 In comparison with the Conrad passage , purely concrete nouns ( engine , wagons , colt , gorse , railway , hedge , basket , etc ) are here more frequent , and indeed account for more than two-thirds of all nouns .
11 And house burglaries and car thefts account for more than half all crimes reported .
12 In the last 15 years there has been an enormous increase in the volume of frozen chips being consumed , even although straight-cut chips for frying still account for more than half the chips bought .
13 Although recorded annually there is no regular winter population , and birds rarely remain for more than a few days except in severe winters , when considerable influxes occur .
14 Such comparison can not justify that performance — nothing can justify leaving 20,000 properties empty for more than a year .
15 She was especially furious that someone had succeeded in making her jump and yell like that because she prided herself on her toughness .
16 He is a special category of senior civil servant whom a minister can send into temporary retirement and replace with another if he is not felt to share the minister 's party political affiliation .
17 So one night , when she had jacked into the sudden heavenly night inside her , Chesarynth watched Friend appear with less than her usual eagerness .
18 In addition there were about 20 interesting and enlightening comments ranging from , " You can search on what you want with this if you just type in some buzz-words " to " It only looks for keywords — does n't analyse the search " The comments are given in full by Walker and Jones .
19 If you speak for more than about a fifth of the total time this is not appraisal , it 's lecturing , or worse , pontificating .
20 Minor or the trace constituents then are present in concentrations less than one part per million they obviously count for less than point one percent of the total salts They are useful as chemical tracers of particular waters .
21 To the untrained eye , pretty pictures count for more than interesting spectra ; neither are they without scientific interest .
22 It may be that , in practice , the norms and practices of the various CNAA subject boards count for more than such general sentiments .
23 Professionals speak of this as observing the value of a dynamical variable .
24 However , as has been said , relationships depend upon more than legal provisions .
25 Alright , listen to this if I 'm not taping it then .
26 Secondly , the workbook encourages the students to understand their patient as a complex person whose health and wellbeing depend on more than biomedical considerations .
27 ‘ I think a lot of supporters look for that because they all want to be leaders themselves — they want to be the boss , they do n't want to be the tea-boy . ’
28 Watch for this when buying batteries if your machine uses ‘ end-to-end ’ pods .
29 If the compost is intended for your vegetable garden , you can use hydrated lime in the alternate layers , but beware of this if you plan to use the compost on rhododendrons , azaleas or other lime-hating plants .
30 Ackroyd includes the epigram ( which sounds more Wildean than Dickensian ) simply so that he can disprove it , but these free-form gobbets never look like more than irrelevant scratchings of a creative itch .
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