Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] [adj] [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 A sense of rejection or an inbuilt feeling of hostility or hate for other people is an ingredient of sexual dissatisfaction or aggression .
2 NATIONAL Power and PowerGen , the privatised power generators , are making changes in the way they account for direct sales to industrial companies to reduce the risk of discrimination and cross-subsidies .
3 Student 's t test for unpaired data was used for the group analysis .
4 Comparisons between groups of parametric data were made by Student 's t test for unpaired data or analysis of variance and Duncans multiple range tests .
5 Differences were tested by the Mann-Whitney U test for unpaired data and the Wilcoxon signed rank test for paired data .
6 In the in vivo studies , differences between means were tested by analysis of variance for multiple comparisons and by Student 's t test for unpaired data for single comparisons .
7 The groups were compared by means of the Wilcoxon matched pairs signed rank test for paired data and the Mann-Whitney U test for unpaired data .
8 Means of the control and post-acute pancreatitis groups were compared using the Student 's t test for unpaired data .
9 Comparisons between different groups of data were made using Student 's t test for unpaired data and differences with p values <0.05 were considered significant .
10 Since the distribution of H-thymidine labelling indices was normal , Student 's t test for unpaired data was used to compare index values among the groups of subjects studied .
11 Results were analysed with Student 's t test for paired data and Hills and Armitage 's method for analysing data from crossover trials .
12 In the in vitro experiments , a Student 's t test for paired data was used for comparing changes before and after incubation with L-NAME .
13 Student 's t test for paired data was used for statistical analyses .
14 Data obtained from each experiment approximated to a normal distribution and were analysed with Student 's t test for paired data .
15 Statistical analysis of the data was done using the Student 's t test for paired data or the Wilcoxon rank sum test for paired data , as indicated .
16 Specificity and sensitivity values were calculated and statistical analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney U test for non-parametric data .
17 Mean bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase values in PSC patients and both normal and disease controls were compared using the Mann-Whitney U test for non-parametric data .
18 Statistical analysis of the data was performed using the Mann-Whitney U test for non-parametric data and Spearman 's rank order correlation .
19 Initial work in the GIS field on user interfaces has concentrated on the screen designs appropriate for spatial data handling .
20 as I say of different people
21 Urgh they 're the ones that smell like bad fish !
22 Prosecuting uneducated deaf people with no speech , and accepting what they said in their defence in those days was however a different matter altogether from allowing the same people to go into the witness box and testify against other people .
23 Though the principles of representative government are important to pluralists as embodying equal rights to vote , express opinion and associate with like-minded people for political ends , the individual citizen of a democracy needs to be able to join with others before an interest can be effectively mobilized .
24 I now believe that you can quite readily treat your life , the way you breathe , act , interact with other people , as a picture , a tableau vivant or a film scene , so to speak .
25 We fly from raw fish to live lobster , and then on to a ten-course Vietnamese .
26 Questionnaires sent out as part of the HSC employment department 's 1990 labour force survey showed that only about a third of reportable accidents appear in official statistics , that 2 million people have illnesses they believe are caused or made worse by work , and that work related accidents and ill health are probably resulting in about 30m days off work a year in the UK .
27 Negotiation is therefore a means of getting what you want from other people and as such qualifies as a tricky situation ( see page 168 ) , where the way you behave is a make or break factor .
28 Or do the institutions of retirement , the social norms of limited activity and poverty , and expectations of ill-health and disability suggest to ageing people that they are expected to do so ?
29 On the one hand you 've got everything , accounting-wise , you need to run a large company now , and on the other , the bits that make what you send to other people look professional are coming ‘ real soon now ’ in a later release .
30 They build on young people 's skills and confidence so they feel that they have something to offer to the world and to their own community .
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