Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [vb -s] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Flourishing in sun or light shade , this stachys makes good ground cover under roses .
2 In listing the objectives that shape the exhibition , Whitney museum curator Elizabeth Sussman said her team of curators searched for ‘ the best new work that speaks to us in a compelling manner and in some cases challenges conventional ideas about artmaking .
3 The unexpected reduction in the number of criminal legal aid orders granted over the last few months means that expenditure will in any event be lower than originally expected .
4 The autocook option available on some models allows uncomplicated automatic programming .
5 Within West European , the legislation in some countries covers manual records ( eg. France and The Netherlands ) , while others are restricted to computer data .
6 Their performance , as far as can be judged at this early stage , matches and in some areas surpasses that of their conventionally trained colleagues 300 km away across the Rift Valley .
7 The encouragement of joint planning at area/regional level has brought together inter-agency groups for the elderly , though only in some areas has this led on to the formation of specialist sub-groups to consider the needs of dementia sufferers .
8 More money for some areas means less money for others , which can obviously raise political issues .
9 This results in the Collectair library gaining valuable notes , all of which is carefully filed away for use as and when the archive that has been created over the past few years becomes available to students of aviation history .
10 Its origins are disguised by its huge cob , and only in the last few years has genetic analysis teased out the whole truth about its humble cereal ancestry .
11 The spate of major medical and nutritional reports published by governments and health authorities over the past few years has more than confirmed this suspicion .
12 Following these discoveries one of the most noticeable trends in skin care over the next few years looks set to be the development of products which are specifically ‘ Retin-A compatible ’ .
13 Environment Minister David Maclean told an audience at Tory Central Office : ‘ The rain of the last few days goes some way to replenishing the reservoirs .
14 In very few places does this economic function survive .
15 But this teams needs more continuity than up to now and it can still do a lot better .
16 The general drift of my own argument , which in some ways resembles that of Marx , is that what is determined is not the form of particular institutional arrangements but certain basic patterns within the structure of person-to-person relationships .
17 It has been identified as the Alauna of the Ravenna list by Rivet and Smith , although Richmond and Crawford earlier assigned this name to Alchester , which in some ways makes better sense , since its neighbours quoted in the list would indicate that it lies on the road from Silchester to the south Midlands ; nevertheless the derivation of the name of the River Alne from Alauna , and hence the name of the town on or near that river , is an attractive argument in favour of Rivet and Smith .
18 The reason why it becomes more pronounced in some patients remains unanswered .
19 We also need to consider the local and wider community and its various institutions — not least , the powerful influence of television , which for some children represents more hours of information intake than is provided by teachers during eleven years of compulsory education .
20 Adoption of such methods implies significant changes for accounting , beyond those discussed in the previous section for ‘ cost of quality ’ calculations .
21 But the possible role of antiviral drugs in the treatment of such cancers remains unknown .
22 Performance in accordance with such directions constitutes due performance by LCH .
23 To single out such companies seems curious ; one would have thought that there is a stronger case for excluding unlimited companies which are authorised persons under the Financial Services Act .
24 Four small adenomas were missed radiologically but the importance of such lesions remains debatable and they are unlikely to contribute to substantial blood loss .
25 Secondly , responsibility in such plants becomes decentralised as a consequence of the firm 's dependence on the worker 's use of his initiative .
26 The existence of such boundaries has important implications in nearly every sphere of organizational management .
27 It has been argued that the dilute nature of the nectar in such flowers deters some bee robbers that may be unable to concentrate it : the birds would prefer concentrated sugars .
28 The tubes are 132 cm in length and a battery of 12 such tubes provides suitable illumination .
29 Resolving such issues requires more sequence information on hosts and bacterial symbionts .
30 The use of such systems involves high costs for telecommunications , database royalties and CPU time .
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