Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [vb past] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Some manufacturers had themselves licensed as credit brokers , and in their advertisements offered INTEREST FREE CREDIT to any who purchased their goods — ‘ over a period of 12 months APR 0% ’ .
2 In Bulgaria , some Christians allowed themselves to be manipulated by the State , rather than face severe hardship or persecution .
3 Here , some teachers found themselves , often for the first time in their careers , with the opportunity to engage in depth with a small number of individuals , yet were not always able fully to exploit the possibilities because sustained questioning and discussion at that level required them to have a clear framework of the kinds of question they wished to promote and a grasp of the ways a sequence of such questions related to the wider map of the curriculum area in which a particular learning task was located .
4 The minute for the first of April begins " In the spring of the present year a few friends convened themselves together for the purpose of considering the possibility of opening a News & Reading Room . "
5 At the OK Corral — as she preferred to call what some of its visitors termed her quim ( the phrase struck her as useful after she 'd seen the Western ) — some men proved themselves and others came to grief , and both kinds had male competitors on their mind and wanted to outgun them .
6 The Revolution also changed the earlier status of the Whigs as a party of opposition and the Tories as the party of government , as some Whigs found themselves increasingly drawn into the new royal administration , and as Tories became more and more alienated from the new regime .
7 He 's a sharp operator , adept at playing the angles , continually bouncing gags off the course of a meandering conversation which takes in flotation tanks ( ’ They told me they wanted to recreate the conditions of the womb , but that 's all I need : some jerk in a white coat stabbing me with an ice-pick for half an hour ’ ) : Panama ( ’ Most American casualties over there were self-inflicted , but that 's because we have a lot of Hispanics in the armed services and some guys get confused ; some Hispanics in the armed services and some guys get confused ; some Hispanics shot themselves , they 're that loyal ’ ) ; even , somehow , the British motorway system ( ’ Driving up the M1 !
8 Some lords considered themselves to be above command — and he glared round the company .
9 In other words , some women defined themselves out of the labour market because they felt that they were unlikely to get paid work or because they believed that they had no right to paid work .
10 Each of the lower feeders had their own cropping techniques , and a general assumption can be made that such techniques had themselves a co-evolutionary impact on plants .
11 Such men found themselves , however , fighting what became all too clearly a rearguard action .
12 All these meetings concerned themselves with the Spanish question .
13 Moreover , these groups found themselves to be in a catch 22 — no win — situation so far as their own political action was concerned .
14 My uncle in the evening had read aloud something where the line was quoted The child is father to the man and these words insinuated themselves not into the stony ground and thistles of my mind but into the dark rich soil that brings forth a hundred fold .
15 By nightfall all the rifle companies had been over-run ; some sections , and platoons from these companies extricated themselves at nightfall .
16 In 1980 these countries committed themselves to the concept of health for all by the year 2000 .
17 One of these possibilities made itself known to J. some time that spring .
18 The missa parodia was , of course , nothing new but these composers devoted themselves to it almost exclusively and developed new techniques .
19 A report by Robert Blatchford of a visit to a Music Hall in the ‘ Gay Nineties ’ offered a vivid portrait of how these feelings expressed themselves in everyday life .
20 In those days many Europeans , especially in Kenya , relied on Somalis as their headmen ; in turn , these Somalis identified themselves with their masters and gave them devoted service .
21 The intrusive authorial voice exemplified in this passage , and generally typical of the classic novel — the voice that confides , comments , explains and sometimes scolds — the voice to which we rather casually give the name that appears on the title-page ( Henry Fielding , Charles Dickens , George Eliot , or whoever ) is the most obvious sign that these writers saw themselves as engaged in an act of communication with their readers .
22 All the people in these villages called themselves Patels but they were divided into clans which corresponded quite closely with the Hindu caste system .
23 However , neither of these procedures recommended themselves to the early survey researchers , such as Bowley ; his procedure was to compromise between administrative convenience and representativeness by using more than one stage of sampling .
24 These women did themselves well , at least their husbands did them well .
25 Often these prophets saw themselves as reformers , who had a vocation to transform the religious vision of their time .
26 Secondly , one would very much doubt whether one would find that all organizations aligned themselves neatly on to national patterns .
27 The terrible times had rendered individuals impotent ; many Jews consoled themselves by clinging to any available straw and concealed themselves behind bastions of casuistry .
28 Not all sub-tenants found themselves incorporated into such an idealistic new system .
29 The limits on cash withdrawals were so strict that many companies found themselves without cash even to pay wages .
30 Many refugees found themselves in the same position .
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