Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 For some awards candidates who are nationals of a member state of the EC and are resident in Great Britain may also be eligible .
2 Further tests are under way at Baltimore , in California and at Seattle 's cancer research centre , to see if the treatment can be repeated on other patients , and may eventually include some Aids sufferers who do not have cancers .
3 Also , a few leeds fans who noticed some rangers fans in the crowd , actually wished them good luck for the rest of the competition .
4 All the more disappointing therefore to learn later that some Seniors members who had blackballed me for Muirfield had now put in an objection to my joining this club too .
5 In some police divisions I know there are no soldiers . ’
6 In some police stations we 've identified criminals actually stand more chance of being cautioned than prosecuted .
7 Yet common sense dictates that there can be very few police actions which a person would be entitled to resist at all costs , including if ‘ necessary ’ the use of fatal force .
8 Some women patients who are plagued by thrush turn out not to have candidiasis , despite many likely symptoms .
9 Luckily a feature she once did for the programme gave Christine some clothes tips which she has followed faithfully ever since .
10 I have a few non-leeds mates who would be interested .
11 These grass-roots organizations which began to be formed immediately after February represent , in their view , the aspiration of the Russian proletariat to take command of the productive process .
12 In order to overcome these communications problems it is necessary to establish the amount of data which must be available to the designer so that he can perform a specific design function .
13 As with so many of these police powers which impinge on the rights of protesters to freedom of speech and assembly the high quality of police understanding and reasonableness is crucial to success .
14 And it goes back to what we were saying about why some of these founders types which are somewhat slapdash are more readable and more interesting and get your attention .
15 Others who have not this privilege would be well advised to listen carefully to recordings with the score , and to go over many times passages which seem to them obscure or unfamiliar in sound at a first hearing .
16 Indeed they felt that in many cases children who experienced difficulties in learning responded particularly well .
17 The distinction between the Use Classes Order and the GDO is that the former lists changes of use which do not constitute development , while the latter lists activities which , though constituting development , do not require ad hoc permission .
18 Written exchanges with source markers omitted are thus a good example of the way in which the disembedded nature of all texts converts what might be an easy comprehension task into a difficult one .
19 That is one reason why many consumer-goods firms which reckon all they need to do is cut prices temporarily will probably be proved wrong .
20 In many situations laws which violate human rights and oppress the population or sections of it can not be broken without endangering the stability or even the very survival of relatively just institutions .
21 You have only so many police officers you can use and it 's taking our eye off the ball , ’ he said .
22 Because although that war did n't have conscription in nineteen fourteen or nineteen fifteen , I believe it started in nineteen sixteen , back end , and er we we 'd got all women teachers who were quite a different problem from a school of that nature .
23 He had forgotten how many women MPs there were ( ‘ too damn many ’ ) , and , as with the majority of his age and class , he had gone through life deaf to the quackings of feminists .
24 It is more difficult to keep track on those sifei students who left in increasing numbers in the mid-1980s .
25 James , Point taken ( see below ) but in the absence of any ftp site at the moment , if anybody would like more leeds gifs they could let me know by mailing myself and not the list .
26 The Government does not publish any breakdown of the social background of those YTS graduates who fail to gain employment .
27 Can I ask you to think carefully about those dire those issues factors which you think we ought to take into account if we want to be better informed in order to come forward with that sort of a recommendation .
28 These gloomy thoughts have kept coming back to me in the last few days in the national Art Library at the Victoria & Albert Museum , collecting reference material on all those women artists who should have been included in Gravity and Grace : the Changing Condition of Sculpture 1965–1975 at the Hayward Gallery .
29 In a discussion with Jenny Ball , we talked about those women teachers who stood up for women 's rights .
30 She became one of those women reporters whose listening ear and less judgemental approach to people in trouble helped to make the distillation of news the more respected practice it is today .
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