Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 It re-appeared a few weeks later as Netwise UK Ltd , in what some creditors argued at the time was ‘ an apparent breach of Section 312 of the UK Insolvency Act of 1986 . ’
2 It re-appeared a few weeks later as Netwise UK Ltd , in what some creditors argued at the time was ‘ an apparent breach of Section 312 of the UK Insolvency Act of 1986 , ’ ( UX No 375 ) .
3 Once in the park , Joyce 's mother had stopped to talk to another young woman while Joyce herself sat watching some birds pecking at the remains of a sandwich that someone had dropped on the path .
4 Ahead of her — quite a way in the distance — she could see some birds pecking at crumbs on the pavement .
5 I have , a few times waitressed at football Club dinners .
6 As this mosaic also includes border work reminiscent of some patterns seen at Woodchester and Chedworth , it might , therefore , be earlier than the Frocester mosaic ( dated to c. 340 or later ) , and the mosaic from North Leigh , room 1 .
7 In contrast , the few policies aimed at older workers have been positively intended to encourage them to withdraw from the labour market .
8 On the parking front in the centre of Nottingham you 'll find a space at St James Street and the Arndale Centre car park but Victoria Centre 's got a few minutes wait at the York Street entrance and Trinity Square still very busy next update in ten minutes time .
9 It is worth spending a few minutes looking at how the waves are breaking and picking the best place and time to launch .
10 Rachel groaned as her alarm sounded the following Monday morning and , rolling over , she flicked the button to silence it , then lay for a few minutes staring at the ceiling .
11 He settled down again to work ( ‘ lessons and literature ’ ) , with some hours spent at Wimbledon with Arthur Hardy ‘ in the warmth and strange visible light of the late afternoon ’ , and enjoyed the kindness around Which I never felt so much as of late , when it looked as if I was soon to cast it away with such apparent rudeness ’ .
12 Page 29 Sterling slumps : The pound posted its steepest one-day fall in more than three years , sinking almost six pfennigs in a few hours to close at DM2.9737 .
13 Some views expressed at this time were not dissimilar to those of the ‘ Li Yi Zhe ’ document , whose authors were released in February 1979 .
14 Since then , despite deep and life changing bonds being formed , some relationships have at times threatened to go badly wrong .
15 Here are some texts taken at random .
16 After some years studying at home he decided to learn farming .
17 We may acknowledge , pace Professor Cairns-Smith , that some clays have at least one of the crucial qualities of living things .
18 A long way away , he could hear the sound of some dogs howling at the night sky .
19 He liked to tell one that he was a dilettante , ‘ I 've never written a line for publication nor put brush to water-colour , in short I never did a stroke of work , except for those few years teaching at Harvard , and I must admit that I enjoyed every moment of them — in retrospect . ’
20 The majority of the company 's employees worked at this home plant , with relatively few workers located at other plants .
21 It took the combined brain power of the teachers quite a few weeks to arrive at this simple routine for getting into Friday assembly .
22 The first group of paintings in which this new development is clearly visible are the canvases executed during the few weeks spent at La Rue-des-Bois in the autumn and in Paris during the succeeding months .
23 The wealth of low cost products have indeed reached international markets , some spellcheckers retailing at less than £25 .
24 Big style give me some boards to look at
25 The new device , called a quiteron , exploits the strange properties that some substances develop at very low temperatures .
26 There have been few studies looking at the sexual risk of HIV infection for women who have sex with women and so there are few reported cases of women infected in this way .
27 If you only get a few ideas , you 've only got a few things to look at .
28 At any rate , some things hint at why he was so good at leading his small group .
29 Other fairs take place throughout the year and some suppliers show at the London International Book Fair .
30 There is a method of solving the cube , due to Morwen Thistlethwaite , my colleague at the Polytechnic of the South Bank in London , that always restores the cube in at most 50 moves ( recently reduced from 52 ) and simple counting shows that some positions require at least 18 moves ( counting 180° turns as single moves ) or 21 right-angle turns .
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