Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [adv] an " in BNC.

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1 They were never very significant , few are well-documented , and many are now abandoned , but they represent , in the old and densely occupied county of Somerset , one of the few cases where an area was colonised and settled .
2 ‘ A few minutes ago an old man came to my office .
3 Only a few hours earlier an unexpected Meeting Notice had been issued , the agenda being simply ‘ To consider the conduct of Major H. R. Maxim ’ .
4 For some centuries now an , ‘ epicure ’ has been someone overly devoted to sensual pleasure and luxury .
5 Some years ago an argument raged in one of the horse magazines , when some Expert declared that many Arabian horses had a parrot mouth ( a congenital deformity where the upper front teeth extend beyond the lower ) .
6 SOME years ago an enterprising manufacturer of home computer ‘ add-ons ’ produced a low cost robot arm that used standard model radio control servos to produce the motive power .
7 Some years ago an advertisement aroused great wrath among the touchier members of the library profession : " I used to be the mainstay of the public library until I tried … " ( out of deference to the protesters , the brand name of the vodka in question is here suppressed ) .
8 Some years later an American , Alan Kirkham , independently invented the same principle , now known as the Dall-Kirkham reflector .
9 A few years ago an old Aboriginal woman named Lardie Moonlight died in Boulia , a small town in western Queensland .
10 A few days later an Englishman had spoken to him on the phone , saying an envelope of pictures Manningham might find interesting were on the way by express registered post .
11 A few days ago an elderly gentleman came into a Dublin suburban office with a bouquet of flowers and presented it to a female staff member .
12 A few days ago an unco-operative van would have sent him back indoors in a state of deep despair .
13 The argument is in some ways quite an attractive one , but since it leads to a rather complex and abstract phonemic analysis it is not adopted for this course .
14 And a few seconds ago an urgent message had come through from GCHQ at Cheltenham .
15 whether it 's a large economic growth in Europe in places like Milan , Innsbruck er Barcelona , all have these systems where an extra terminal capacity is only part of the jigsaw that 's had to be met .
16 It is therefore still important to examine the role of Ac-ASA in any in vitro experiment desiend to test the mechanism of action of 5-ASA and to bear in mind the differential absorption of these drugs when an intact cell system is used .
17 There are many reasons why an increasing number of people , men as well as women , find themselves in the role of home nurse nowadays .
18 The census has been for many years now an important instrument , among a range of such instruments , in the administration of the welfare state .
19 In many instances however an alternative form of publication is more appropriate , and it is to provide such a medium that this series of Occasional Papers has been launched .
20 There were many moments when an unexpected surge in the crowd could have resulted in catastrophe .
21 An outside arbitrator 's fees may be justified in those cases where an expert 's adjudication is required .
22 Interestingly , a 12-hour day is regularly being practised in those countries where an afternoon siesta is taken , and also by those watch-keepers on merchant ships where the shift pattern of the officers is often 4 hours work followed by 8 hours leisure and sleep , the combination being undertaken twice each 24 hours .
23 But you will no doubt agree that the very best staff plans are those which give clear margins of error to allow for those days when an employee is ill or for one reason or another below par .
24 There are several reasons why an overflow pipe may be dripping or giving a steady stream of water .
25 Can you foresee any circumstances when an exception might be made to this rule ?
26 Several days ago an Australian , desperate to capture the sky burial on film , although Tibetans forbid photographing , hid behind some rocks .
27 Messages from LIFESPAN to several users Usually an administrative service , e.g. notifying all interested parties that a software modification has been requested .
28 There has remained for several seasons now an imbalance in the bowling resources at Edgbaston .
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