Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] out to " in BNC.

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1 Rowboats , a few feet out to sea ,
2 ‘ That 's in the future but it will be another chapter in the book and I am sure Joe is going to point a few things out to me and help me along the way .
3 The new trains were ordered long before the Government drew up its plans to put some routes out to private tender .
4 We were taken the few miles out to Wyton by RAF transport and in a short time , smiling falsely at each other and with our cumbersome parachutes bumping round our legs , we found ourselves walking out to the plane for our first flight .
5 ‘ A few miles out to the east we glimpsed the dark girl you and Bicker described from the Isle of Mist .
6 John Pain ( flying P3731 ) : ‘ This was a brawl with some 15 CR 42s in which the entire flight got mixed up some miles out to sea at about 18,000 feet between St. Paul 's Bay and Sliema .
7 The results of putting these services out to competitive tender have proved to be controversial with proponents claiming significant improvements in efficiency and critics claiming a substantial worsening in service quality .
8 The widower will receive many more invitations out to meals in other people 's homes in the early days too , and he will have the advantage of never having to feel trapped in the isolation of an empty house in the evenings ; for if his emotional condition after his wife 's death is reasonably steady and he feels the need of company , he can always stroll out to the local pub for a drink , where he can remain in complete control of the amount of conversation he wants , or can endure , and can head for home again just when he feels like it .
9 We do n't send more papers out to external referees because we do n't want to exhaust this valuable resource ( even though we have about 2500 referees on our database ) and because we are the best judge of issues like whether the paper belongs in the BMJ or another sort of journal .
10 The company is also hoping to exploit the link to pump its own programmes out to the thousands of mainstream and cable stations in America .
11 Cautiously he said : ‘ It 's worth considering getting one of our own men out to the Gulf to investigate — hire a ship if necessary to search … ’
12 Sighing , she finished her wine , then took both glasses out to the kitchen .
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