Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A year ago , having for the previous five years been one of the quietest incumbents of the Quirinale Palace , Mr Cossiga announced his intention ‘ to shake a few pebbles out of my shoes ’ .
2 Ive been saying recently we needed his inspiration to drag some wins out of the draws we ve been getting .
3 Only er National Savings are worth keeping your eye on , because the government 's very keen to make a few shillings out of National Savings , and you might get some good issues in the future .
4 A few minutes out of town there 's a famous Victorian restaurant where unusual dishes of days gone by are served in intimate , candlelit rooms , a medieval moated manor house now a hotel , and lovely country house hotels with excellent restaurants .
5 There ought to be a space or an empty page or maybe even a change of typography to show that I have been for the past three and a half hours out in the streets or sitting full of thought on that gilded and trembling bridge over these lazy waters .
6 Cheltenham swimmer Kevin Morris who 's been trying to make history by swimming the channel backstroke has missed out again … he was three and half hours out from Dover when a throat infection sunk his dreams …
7 Nevertheless he made a few feints out of sheer exuberance , suggested a turn with his hips , moved at right-angles to his forward path with no loss of speed , changed step three times in successive strides , kicking hard on the last change and accelerating away in the joy of being able to run for ever .
8 With the Charter and the political precepts of the paper firmly in place , all that was needed was to drag a few journalists out of the pubs and set them to work .
9 Andrew was always with her , walking a few steps out of her reach .
10 * Where spelling is concerned , try to understand your mistakes in terms of the relationship between sounds and letters , and the construction of some words out of suffixes and prefixes .
11 Patrick stirred , rolled his head and spewed a few words out through his sliced lips and mangled mouth .
12 Almost immediately , it seemed , Burton got his first film break — still only a few months out of the RAF .
13 ‘ Twill do Anne no harm to leave off the dances for a few months out of respect for her grandma , ’ Julia said .
14 They say that aside from getting a few noses out of joint at Microsoft Corp , enough people felt BillyGram was a silly name and would prevent it from being taken seriously .
15 Rowboats , a few feet out to sea ,
16 You should make some pies out of it or something .
17 Thus Lizzie F. was able to take a few years out of work to nurse her mother , an auctioneer 's widow , before returning to work after her mother 's death .
18 For people from a closed world , I thought dimly , they 're well-informed — if a few years out of date .
19 Winter Marsh was on the Foulness side of the Roach , marked on my map — a few years out of date — as a restricted area because of the infantry training ground and firing ranges .
20 A few days out of Lazar Farm , the group celebrated Lithafest .
21 But I fancied feeling the long hard pressure of ocean waves against our hull and , though we were short-handed , I reckoned that a few days out of sight of land would shake us all down quickly .
22 I liked to have a few days out in Middlesbrough , Sunderland or Newcastle but now I ca n't do this anymore and I 'm stuck in Hartlepool . ’
23 erm I was slowly sort of pulling a few ideas out of thin air .
24 John had been loading coals into a wagon on the instructions of another driver and then , to use his own words " I went to pick some chickens out of the breeze " and whilst doing so was attacked .
25 Here 's a new show — may not be much good — never mind , book Bernard Walton , he 'll get a few laughs out of it .
26 ‘ That 's in the future but it will be another chapter in the book and I am sure Joe is going to point a few things out to me and help me along the way .
27 She had a quick look round the room and shoved a few things out of sight in the glory-hole cupboard .
28 You know , something more traditional , you know like maybe doing a few things out of The Sound of Music .
29 ‘ I could steal some things out of the rich folks ’ washhouses , mind .
30 Mervyn had his back to them and was getting a bottle of sherry and some glasses out of his private cupboard .
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