Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 For anyone building their first few projects the best advice is to avoid any mains powered project .
2 It was further felt that in some cases the lowest tender tended to gain the contract at the expense of better quality work because of the financial restrictions the Housing Executive Board have allowed to be placed on them .
3 After a few days the eldest brother told me to come .
4 However , this première recording , made before the ink was scarcely dry on the paper , strikes me as in some ways the best ever .
5 Growing herbs at random throughout a garden is in some ways the best arrangement — it is , after all , the way in which they would grow naturally — and species and varieties will be found that are happy on the rock garden , by the water , in bedding schemes , or as underplantings to tall perennials , shrubs and trees .
6 But Want is one only of five giants on the road of reconstruction and in some ways the easiest to attack .
7 Upland moors , in some ways the wildest of all our habitats , are threatened as never before — over 30 square miles of heather moor has been lost from the North Yorkshire moors since the war ; on Dartmoor less than 3,500 acres of moorland remains ; in Galloway , The Borders and Northumberland vast tracts of land , once farmland and open moor , now grow solid , dense plantations of alien conifers — and every year much more is targeted for afforestation .
8 In such cases the best course is for the lease to remain silent , leaving problems to be resolved as and when they arise .
9 As a result of the uncertainty generated in the private sector by expected movements in these variables the best that the public sector can do is to inform the private sector of its intentions and then act accordingly .
10 In each of these sectors the largest relative growth was in part-time female employment .
11 It is also quite clear that neither clients nor designers can predict precisely how system environment will be affected by the new system.under these circumstances the best strategy appears to be one which provides opportunities for all those involved to learn from experience as the system development and operation progresses .
12 According to these rates the best-fed people of the region live in Argentina , Costa Rica , Cuba , Mexico , Paraguay and Uruguay , while Bolivia and Haiti still maintain low levels of calorie intake .
13 In reading the bundle of documents relating to this appeal , both before , during and since the hearing before me , I have wondered whether attention was not focused almost as much on the father 's wish to obtain an order for costs against the local authority as upon the important question of making for these children the best decision that was available .
14 Of many cup-painters the greatest , perhaps , with Onesimos , is one who worked regularly with a potter Brygos but has not left his own name , so the Brygos Painter .
15 The type of stone seemed to matter , since in many cases the nearest source was eschewed in favour of more distant origins , the most famous case being the bluestones of Stonehenge , brought 200 miles ( 300km ) from the Preseli Mountains in Wales .
16 Nor is it quite certain that the ordinary law Courts are in all cases the best body for adjudicating upon the offences or the errors of civil servants .
17 As a resort it has changed though , having passed out of the possession of the royals and their followers and into that principally of the world 's surfers , who come to this coast for technical reasons , because it has by all accounts the best waves in Europe on which to perch for the ride into town .
18 WHY : Bad living conditions and lack of space are facts of British prison life ; but for many prisoners the greatest hardship is isolation .
19 Election by plurality in single-member constituencies is of all methods the simplest .
20 The class disciplines of stations broke down , although in many places the wealthiest took themselves off to other forms of transport .
21 These notes constitute in many ways the best statement that exists of Babbage 's views on the general powers of his engines .
22 Daniel Defoe ‘ came to Lewes , through the deepest , dirtiest , but many ways the richest , and most profitable country in all that part of England ’ .
23 Nato , he added , was still " by all odds the greatest single US asset " .
24 And arrange around those circumstances the best advice package .
25 Are not those figures the best in the whole of England ?
26 Walsh returned to Britain this season and has had trials with several clubs the latest being First Division Southampton .
27 Of several portraits the finest is in the possession of Queens ' College , Cambridge .
28 In both cases the best way to ensure a good , long-lasting image is to take a photocopy .
29 For both candidates the biggest pander contest was over Israel .
30 The right hon. Gentleman mentioned his constituency and mine , but he neglected to mention that in both constituencies the latest figures show a fall in unemployment .
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