Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A word that coins the same message .
2 In some minutes the short hairs on the disc of the leaf began to bend , then the long hairs , and laid themselves on the insect .
3 For anyone building their first few projects the best advice is to avoid any mains powered project .
4 A neutron star has a radius of about ten miles , only a few times the critical radius at which a star becomes a black hole .
5 Churchyards were lacking ; in some cities the poor were soon shovelled underground in common graves , dug to an initial depth of 30ft and then filled with rough coffins to within 2ft of the surface .
6 Again , it was the darkest ones that survived best , with the result that in a few generations the peppered moths living near the big industrial cities were nearly all black .
7 In some policies the two problems are seen to be combined where the systems of farming collectively called shifting cultivation have reached a point where their carrying capacity has been exceeded , and fallow periods have become so short that degradation and erosion have set in ( Allan 1967 ) .
8 Remember that accountants and business executives have two and a half times the average death rate from alcohol-related diseases ( doctors , incidentally , have three times the rate ) .
9 If we compare our rates with the best , they were double those of the Netherlands in 1979 as we have seen , and by 1985 had worsened to two and one half times the Dutch rates .
10 A test at Darlington police station revealed Crowther , an assistant manager at the Hurworth VG shop , was one and a half times the legal limit for driving .
11 Bruce Mearns , 34 , of Arns Grove , Alloa , admitted speeding and driving his motorbike with more than one and a half times the legal limit of alcohol on 6 February .
12 And at Watercombe on 5 May the River Yealm was found to have two and a half times the permitted level of aluminium .
13 I announced an increase of grant in aid of 10 per cent. , roughly two and a half times the present rate of inflation .
14 Nitric oxide levels in Moscow are five times above the national average , and levels of ammonia and methylene oxides one and half times the national average .
15 They were all expected to have similar properties , but , prudently , in some clinics the new substances were given to patients with conditions other than those in which chlorpromazine and its allies were usually effective .
16 After studying the situation for a few minutes the first macaque ran off and got a long stick .
17 After a few minutes the Carabinieri vehicle revved up and screeched off down the road .
18 In the next few minutes the small parties moved in quick spurts from the deep shadow of one warehouse to the next black patch of cover .
19 His voice was low , equable and leisurely ; so much so that only afterwards did it dawn upon Charlotte how very few minutes the whole interview had occupied .
20 In a few minutes the same policeman forced his way through the mob to the gallery .
21 Many industrial buying decisions involve more than the buyer and in some cases the technical specifier , production personnel and finance personnel are involved .
22 Christianity came to the Macedonians and Serbs from the east , under the influence of the Byzantine emperors , who were the nominal overlords — and in some cases the real rulers — of the Slavs in the southern Balkans .
23 It was further felt that in some cases the lowest tender tended to gain the contract at the expense of better quality work because of the financial restrictions the Housing Executive Board have allowed to be placed on them .
24 In some cases the two components of a double are not genuinely associated , and merely happen to lie in almost the same line of sight as seen from Earth .
25 But in some cases the necessary basic information is lacking ; for example , the reproductive rate of some whales is unknown .
26 In some cases the first three years of life are spent in this ward before transfer to a children 's home . ’
27 In some cases the divine signature was perfectly legible : The thistle would relieve a prickly cough .
28 The security of possession of the Family Allowance book is in some cases the final consideration which enables a woman , with the help of friends and relations , to end an intolerable marriage .
29 In some cases the individual lines making up the envelope may be resolved ( see Chapter 4 ) .
30 In some cases the former dictates the direction in which the grain must run in individual pieces of the pattern ( as well as often influencing the actual shapes of parts ) .
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