Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Under the EPA scheme , each SO2 producer would be allocated a certain number of " allowances " , each worth one tonne of SO2 emission per year , according to present emission rates and other factors .
2 This not only leaves little for continued growth into the future , but also means that the society 's solvency margins have been reduced , so inhibiting its investment freedom and with it , investment performance .
3 With some notable exceptions it assists the process of individual growth and development but does little for collective growth and development .
4 In the 1960s Kennedy Round of multilateral trade negotiations , the much-acclaimed reductions in barriers to manufactures , trade did little for those LDC 's that were poorly placed to produce , let alone export them .
5 With more and more bodegas setting up in Rioja — there was 62 in 1985 , 140 by 1991 — and with sales either static or declining , there seems little for recession-hit bodega bosses to laugh about .
6 Events of 1989 have done little for Australian image .
7 Unfortunately , however , the inquiry did little for public confidence in the independent judicial monitor .
8 It means little for this child to perform with the greatest precision the most difficult pieces , with hands that can hardly stretch a sixth ; but what is really incredible is to see him improvise for an hour on end and in doing so give rein to the inspiration of his genius and to a mass of enchanting ideas …
9 This second study differed only in that during initial training the subjects received conditioning trials with a different stimulus ( a light ) in the context that was to be used for the test .
10 The Bank has been fortunate in that during this time we have been associated with a Grand Slam in 1984 and a share of the Five Nations Championship in 1986 .
11 ‘ I hope for a rapprochement between our two countries , which know very little about each other , ’ he said .
12 Apart from which , we barely know each other , know very little about each other . ’
13 The Lollipop timetable of one night stands meant that they visited seventy-two venues in twelve weeks ; although they did not venture further than St. Louis , it was exhausting and afterwards they could remember very little about each town .
14 Medieval brewers alas knew precious little about good housekeeping practices .
15 Users know little about fault-tolerant technology in general , he stated , and even less about actual hardware , although Tandem Computers Inc 's offerings are somewhat more familiar .
16 ‘ I knew very little about Irish League football when I came back from Nottingham Forest , except that Linfield and Glentoran were the top two clubs .
17 Rick felt that he knew very little about practical mathematics apart from ‘ making a scale drawing of the minibus and taking kids out to measure the rugby pitch ’ and even less about investigations and problem-solving .
18 So long as you accept the local climbing ethics nad enjoy adventurous climbing there 's little about Czech sandstone or the Czechs that 's likely to wind you up .
19 ‘ What 's not fair , ’ Cranston interrupted , ‘ is that we know so little about last night .
20 Knowing little about medical practice , I consented to do as he demanded .
21 This was certainly true of his year as social security minister , where Major would prefer to be remembered for dispensing fivers to freezing pensioners in the form of severe-weather payments ( even though they received only one each for one week ) , than for helping to draft the 1988 Social Security Act .
22 She wishes to initiate a spread by going long in kryptonite futures ( currently priced at £50 000 each for one ton for delivery in 12 months ) and short in phlogiston futures ( currently priced at £10 000 each for 1000 lbs for delivery in 12 months ) .
23 According to BAFTA 's rules , the panel chairman votes only if there is a tie in the jury of seven — which would have come about if , for example , there had been three votes each for Prime Suspect and GBH and one for one of the other nominees such as the BBC 's Clarissa .
24 According to BAFTA 's rules , the chairman of the panel votes only if there is a tie in the jury of seven — which would have come about if , for example , there had been three votes each for Prime Suspect and GBH and one for one of the other nominees such as the BBC 's Clarissa .
25 Do 10 mini raises , holding each for 1 second .
26 Luckily , the Lentons had paid £25 each for medical insurance , which covered the lot .
27 Luckily , the Lentons had paid £25 each for medical insurance , which covered the lot .
28 So in 1547 Henry VIII decreed the appointment of two Masters and two Surveyors of the Woods , one each for either side of the Trent , as officers of the Court of Augmentations .
29 Seats in the new Olympic Gallery , which cost £40 each for last month 's game against Italy , have now been reduced to £20 .
30 Seats in the new Olympic Gallery , which cost £40 each for last month 's game against Italy , have now been reduced to £20 .
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