Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [to-vb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 It simply it simply does n't serve a purpose for me to allow that division to open up .
2 All that money to come back again .
3 Is it not true that the Government want to divert that money to keep down the poll tax in Wandsworth and Westminster ?
4 Younger son , very much so ; brothers Army , one already out in France ; chilly place in Northumberland ; little money to go round ; parents chilly too , as well as proud and stiff .
5 I learned that my wife had been released but had very little money to live on .
6 His homosexuality made him an outcast , he had no job to do , very little money to live on , and ended his days in an alcoholic haze clinging desperately to his Old Etonian tie as the last link with his sordid past .
7 This is simply an agreement by each creditor to hold off and not to press his claim for settlement for an agreed period as long as the other creditors do likewise .
8 Many in both parties now recognise this , and that unity to bring about change in the way Scotland is governed is the only way forward .
9 Jesus said just before he was living his disciples , his followers , you and me , he said you shall receive power after the holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me yes we witness by our life but there 's a danger in making that a cop out , because one other requirement of a witness is that they talk , they 've got ta say what they know , these four men were good witnesses , they went back and they told the city what they had found , and there 's placed upon you and me that responsibility to go back and to tell what we 've found , this is a day of good tidings , we do wrong to keep silent .
10 We also felt that Zephyr had been under pressure due to her immense popularity and had been given little opportunity to show off the gentle side of her nature — in the same way the more extrovert patients had dominated the evening while those of shy and retiring nature had slightly missed out .
11 He will have little opportunity to stand back and examine the data in the cool light of the academic ‘ ivory tower ’ .
12 It is theoretically possible in each case to work out the maximum sustainable yield , and to determine which classes of the animal — superfluous young ones , superfluous males , old ones — can safely be caught without damaging the stocks .
13 With the Everqueen lost , the Elves had little heart to fight on .
14 The Home office has invented that story to cover up their own cock up .
15 The time taken by the sound of each click to bounce back from the rock to the bird , enables the swiftlet to judge just how far away it is from the rock wall ahead .
16 Could new staff spend time in each department to find out how the CIB really works ?
17 If that is the carrot to persuade this Parliament to give up such independence as it possesses and to move it on from the treaty of Rome , I would want a lot of persuading that that was in our best interests .
18 He began by taking the wrong road out of Burford , then tried this lane to get back to the A40 .
19 And after that evening when Dionne said ‘ it ’ was over , they had some undoing to go through , so near the edge of agony and ecstasy .
20 I 'd been waiting for some opportunity to show off , to draw attention to myself .
21 Another favourite to go out early on was Kevin Mitchell who retired at Portrush on lap one so it was left to Brian Reid , Alan Patterson , and Alan Irwin to carry the main challenge to Dunlop along with Milling and Lougher .
22 Smokers really should take this opportunity to give up this addictive habit once and for all .
23 As a result of the amalgamation of ‘ COACH ’ and ‘ SUMS ’ we are taking this opportunity to find out whether the quantity being sent at present meets your requirements .
24 This opportunity to strike out for independence was precisely what her fiery Arien temperament craved !
25 In the case of the simple penal code , the essential reason it is in the interest of a firm in this case to carry out the threat of punishment is that it believes that if it does not it itself will be punished .
26 I do have a question and , and it has n't made , that has n't made it particularly clear as to where we are , you hinted that , and I think that was also seconded here that there might now be a post of some kind to carry on for instance the thing that I 'm particularly worried about is that there 's a sort of hiatus in the heartbeat awards , which I think would be a tragedy if that happened , and I want to be absolutely sure that that is , is n't so .
27 The Regional Health Authority voted this afternoon to shut down the specialist chest and orthopaedic hospital .
28 In 1812 Cuvier used this technique to break up the chain of being .
29 Knitters who have machines with a mirror image facility could use this technique to match up patterns at the centre , but remember that you lose the two centre stitches plus the one on each side which goes under the band — it would never do to have two ducks without heads facing one another , would it !
30 Reports were carried by Agence-France Presse on May 1 of heavy fighting around Saa'da involving Moslem tribes opposed to unity , and by the UK newspaper the Independent on May 12 suggesting that Saudi Arabia was fomenting this resistance to hold up the unity process [ but see p. 37266 for official Saudi position welcoming unification ] .
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