Example sentences of "[det] [prep] this could " in BNC.

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1 However , improvements such as this could have been introduced without going wholesale into a market economy for health with its inevitable two-tier system for general practice .
2 A management/arcade hybrid such as this could only really work if both sections are of a reasonably high standard .
3 Much of this could be as plausibly argued today as thirty or more years ago : the extraordinary achievement of the public relations advisers who replaced the ‘ ludicrous courtiers ’ has been to ensure that the royal family do still have it both ways .
4 The problem is that it would be very hard to justify the cost : much of this could go on after students arrived , and the course modified as it went along .
5 It seems probable that all of this could not have come about had not the superego emerged as a continuation of a trend of evolutionary development which had long since been embarked upon by the ego proper .
6 If the subjects with pneumonia were more likely to return for follow up visits than those without this could have resulted in an overestimation of the incidence of bacterial pneumonia among the drug users who seroconverted .
7 However , before any of this could happen , Rear-Admiral Kotov , from the Ordzhonikidze , went to see Rear-Admiral Philip Burnett , Chief of Staff of the Portsmouth naval base , complaining that his sailors had seen a frogman near his ships that morning , and demanding an explanation .
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