Example sentences of "[det] [subord] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This still exists in a limited form in relation both to companies and to individuals , in that where a person is adjudged bankrupt or a company is wound up by the court , dispositions of property made by the debtor or the company after a prescribed date , usually the date of the presentation of the petition for a bankruptcy order or a winding up order , are void unless the court otherwise orders : sections 127 and 284 .
2 expressed the opinion , concurred in by the other members of the court , that a contractual right of one party to an action to have the costs of the action paid by another party to the action could not override the discretion as to costs given to the court by Ord. 62 , r. 3(2) and section 51(1) of the Act of 1981 , but that where an order for payment of the costs was sought , the discretion should ordinarily be exercised so as to reflect the contractual right .
3 More generally , it seems that there are many cases where prenominal adjectives express occasion values , and not a few where a characteristic , in his sense , is expressed by a postnominal adjective .
4 She cites one example of a man who spent several years living in his parents-in-law 's house but still had little to do with them afterwards ; another where a man had helped to nurse his father-in-law through an illness , but when that was over had as little contact with him as he had before ( Cornwell , 1984 , p. 89 ) .
5 There are other difficulties in making an order in such a case as this where a number of defendants have been equally involved in committing a crime , for the purpose of which a vehicle belonging to one of them has been used .
6 Apologies too for being more boring about this than an Arsenal v Wimbledon game .
7 It is unbecoming to go on hating an enemy like this once a conflict is over .
8 Differences do not , as we have seen with Fig. 8.4 , necessarily mean conflict , but they can easily lead to this if a spirit of possessiveness is also present ( as discussed in Chapter 3 , p. 34 ) .
9 Maximilian , however , is desperately hungry for blood , and after 3 rounds of combat he must make a Cl test ( and at 2-round intervals after this until a test is failed ) .
10 Yeah this geezer who 's doing this cos a lot of his songs are like , it 's like vocal , like the vocal version to these sort of like stuff about Jamaica throw away your guns and sort of
11 The energy will flow from one object to another if a sympathy or attractability exists between them .
12 It ai n't gon na tell us they 're only gon na sa , someone gon na lose this because a bloke got sacked from his job for having a Betty Boop tattoo .
13 Not all the the MPs are voting for this because a lot of people ca n't have work , let alone have a pay increase .
14 In those words the Neath guru encapsulated the debate that has raged and lurched from one side to another while a succession of coaches have sought in vain to establish a definitive Welsh style , during the years of consistent defeat since the 1988 Triple Crown .
15 I think it 's necessary to stress this since a number of representations have referred specifically to the constraints which the locational strategy embodied in policy I five on the ability to deliver the proposed structure plan on employment land allocation .
16 John Jarvis , senior sales manager , said : ‘ With interest like this before a brick is even laid , who knows what results we will achieve once potential purchasers can actually see the finished product . ’
17 And other players were using the model at the same time or earlier , some as a bass ( eg. Bob Bogle of The Ventures ) and some as a lead instrument , such as Hank Marvin , Jet 's old colleague in The Shadows .
18 It may not always be possible to do this when a student writes an apparently nonsensical answer ; and you should try to find out if this is because the student has not studied the subject matter of the test sufficiently , or whether the lesson notes have not explained the subject adequately to the particular student .
19 He remembered another night like this when an eagle he had known had been very ill and he had invoked the powers of Callanish .
20 If LIFESPAN does not find the QAO log file it will create another when a QAO log is actioned for the module .
21 It has also raised some practical difficulties in making a transfer of assets from one party to another when a portion of those assets consists of a pension which is not payable for many years to come .
22 ‘ I am afraid , Your Highness , ’ said Mahmoud stiffly , ‘ that once a case has been opened — ’
23 In some cases , the environment is so constant , or the animal can live in such a wide range of environments , that once an animal has found a suitable place to live in it will not need to move far to satisfy all its bodily wants .
24 This breaks one of the basic tenets of configuration management ; that once an object is identified , then the identifier must always refer to an identical object .
25 It 's one like that except a lot smaller with little red berries that grow off it in the spring .
26 ‘ Better that than a coffin , ’ he whispered , adding as he leaned in to retrieve his fiddle : ‘ And if my coffin is half as comfortable ‘ t is a smooth journey I 'll be having to Paradise . ’
27 And Hardy 's were probably the best known fishing tackle shop in the world and it got into the hands of one of the Hardy 's brothers and he said , ‘ May we market it under your name ? ’ and I said , ‘ My God , I 'd rather have that than a knighthood ’ — this was some years ago — and then Hardy 's were rationalized , which means of course that everything costs twice as much and there was n't as much in the shop .
28 She might have said as much if a cat had died .
29 His resignation arose not so much because an audience was to be debarred from geology , as because women were to be debarred from the audience .
30 But it is difficult to measure the effort in military and social co-ordination which such isolated outposts must have required : they were a liability just as much as a help .
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