Example sentences of "[det] [vb base] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Over the past few years we have been working on such an account , and in this paper we focus on the implications of this account for a central tenet of the mental models approach : that the mental model of the text so far provides ( part of the context for the interpretation of the current sentence or clause .
2 ‘ Does all this account for the proposed development at the pottery ? ’
3 He left Kathleen to strap the toes together with a gauze swab between them to maintain the alignment , and then sent them off with a few coproxamol for the pain .
4 Some cater for the public 's need for insurance or pension provision .
5 What does all this imply for the feminist struggle around housing ?
6 In Britain most people who are in full-time contracted employment receive full pay for six months , followed by half pay for a further six months , if they have a serious illness or accident which prevents them from working .
7 McLeish stopped at the door of the interview room and looked in through the spy-hole , wanting to get some feel for the evidently hostile and , by all accounts , neurotic Penelope Huntley .
8 Women who adhere to this go for the tailored suit and no-nonsense haircut routine .
9 Some argue for a distinction between soft and hard porn ; others for a distinction between erotica and pornography .
10 The grave is of the late sixth century , but the krater was probably made some decades earlier , most likely in Laconia though some argue for a South Italian colony .
11 Some argue for an exhaustive definition of what is in effect a moral excuse .
12 Some apply for every in-service training course that is going .
13 Many gardeners plant up colourful tubs , window boxes and baskets for the summer , but few arrange for a similarly splendid winter and spring display .
14 Few join for the money , even where that is offered .
15 There is not much comfort for the museum in the knowledge that celebrated works are impossible to fence ; the idiosyncratic choice of stolen works strongly suggests that one buyer 's taste was being followed and that they are destined to be hidden away in a private collection , possibly in South America or Japan .
16 These provide for a rate per hour , a guaranteed minimum bonus and joint board supplement to provide a basic rate .
17 These provide for the constitution of the board of directors of the company and the decision-making process ; the right to appoint a non-executive director ; negative pledges in favour of the investing institutions ; the flow of regular financial management information to the investors ; the giving of warranties by the management team and Newco ; and the granting of restrictive covenants .
18 These cater for the full age range from 11 ( or following middle schools from 12 , 13 or 14 ) to 18 or 19 years .
19 Stiffer penalties for the principal offence embodied in the 1974 Act were awaiting implementation during fieldwork : these allow for a fine of £400 or three months imprisonment , or both , on summary conviction , and for ‘ a fine ’ ( without maximum ) or two years imprisonment , or both , on conviction on indictment .
20 These allow for the representation and control of causal relationships such as symptoms and failures .
21 These substitute for a talk and should be used sparingly .
22 These call for a minimum level of earnings at strategic intervals throughout the relationship .
23 These call for an increased use of soloists as cantors and for some direction of the congregation , often by means of an animateur .
24 The tiger-stripe silk velvet seats on Queen Anne walnut chairs , the leopard carpet , and the monumental tusks of elephants Winston bagged before the war and which now dominate the hall all combine for an effect that is whimsical rather than opulent .
25 By the time he had managed to crawl on to the bed , dragging such scarves as he could find to shield his eyes , for the curtains were only flimsy cotton of a summer rented house , all annoyance , all regret for the wasted day , all intentions , all straining for activity , was gone , absorbed into the panic that connected — as if there was a piston rod — his throbbing head , the lights crossing behind his eyeballs and his churning stomach .
26 Travel : All change for the bureaux
27 All change for the p&l
28 ALL change for the up-line to a rosier future .
29 Many vote for the same party every time they vote , and probably give little attention to the personalities or policies of specific candidates .
30 Cruising Altitude passed the pacemaking Floyd as they crossed the final hurdle and he looked all set for a comfortable victory .
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