Example sentences of "[det] [vb base] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 No one ( thank God ! ) says sex must stop and comparatively few favour the wilder flights of permissive fantasy .
2 The general point is this : what counts as rationality in modern society is a selection from the total available forms of rationality and that , even within the legitimate forms of rationality , some acquire a higher authority than others .
3 At one extreme , some plants produce many small , nutritionally poor fruits that attract a wide range of ‘ poor quality ’ dispersers , while at the other , some produce a smaller number of large , nutritionally superior fruits , dispersed by a limited number of species .
4 He knew that after shooting the second eight foot fall we would be free-falling thirty-feet onto a sloping rock shelf covered with a six inch sheet of tonnes and tonnes of the River Tees rushing over it every second ; hopefully ( if we hit it at the correct angle ) we would follow this shoot a further twenty five feet into the plunge pool at the bottom of the fall .
5 These arrangements work quite well , but some prefer the simpler and faster manual alternatives , partly because power-driven controls use up precious battery capacity .
6 Also , 50% of the teenagers have an estimated hazard which is larger after the first three months , although more than half have a larger estimated reservation wage in the second period .
7 Some of us have a lower threshold of boredom ; some have a better physical metabolism ; others have a lower resistance to cold ; and so on .
8 Some have a lower minimum investment level for fledgling Scottish businesses .
9 Er there are interests all over an and some er have a higher value er er and some have a lower value but they are all related erm so it 's not possible to regard er a contest solely as an isolated advers adversarial struggle where you 're weighing up the rel the relative forces , the relative military capabilities that exist , you have to consider a whole range of political , economic and strategic effects of , of your , your , your action .
10 As I explained in the previous chapter , there is no export zone anywhere that has a good record on linkages , but few have a worse record than the maquila industry .
11 These look , well , these look a better bunch , get one of those , I 'll get one of these
12 These carry a higher risk of complications such as radiation swelling or fibrosis , which can in turn lead to obstruction and may even require permanent colostomy .
13 It might seem strange that rapes such as these carry a lower penalty than a Category 2 case in which the defendant threatens violence against one party with the aim of securing intercourse with another , but where no violence is perpetrated and sexual intercourse does not in fact take place .
14 There are of course parliamentary questions , although individual members of the Bundestag may only ask Kleine Anfrage ( small questions ) : a quorum of 26 is need to ask a Grosse Anfrage ( major question ) and these require a fuller reply .
15 But although it is tough and likely to get tougher , there are still opportunities : these require a longer term , strategic approach to the practice , and considerable steps towards achieving greater efficiency and productivity .
16 Almost certainly there is an equivalent number of young females in the non-breeding population , but these take a further year to reach maturity .
17 These form a larger group than fabliaux set in the country , largely in villages , although the latter group is still a substantial one .
18 These include the larger design of mosaic 6 , Verulamium ( Wheeler 1936 , pI .
19 Many fear the longer the fighting goes on the less the chance of a tolerant democratic system emerging .
20 We all want a speedier process and therefore fewer remand prisoners .
21 Worker discomfort in feet , lower legs , back , neck , and shoulders all increase the longer workers are on their feet .
22 The government claims that total spending is larger in other western states because many have a larger private sector ; in the United Kingdom it is just 0.8 per cent of total spending .
23 At present , the acquisition , development , and dissemination of computer methods and the creation of useful machine-readable data are not given anywhere the same credit or standing as traditional forms of research and publication despite the fact that the latter have no greater claim on scholarship and far less a claim on relevance .
24 But one step down from this grander world view at a more personal level , we all have a simpler way of seeing things which still vigorously affects the shape and colour of our personalities and what contributions and responses we bring to our relationships with others .
25 Comparisons of species represented in pitfall traps and artificial traps show that the former provide a better sample of small mammals in an area .
26 The former have a lower degree of CD and are always thematic .
27 Within the United States , 10 states each have a greater land area than Britain : Alaska ( 586,412 square miles ) , Texas ( 267,339 square miles ) , and California ( 158,693 ) being the most notable .
28 Along with conventional breeds of lamb , she also rears primitive breeds of that have a stronger flavour .
29 Most predict a further shake-out of brands .
30 They both have a wider perspective of life and are blessed with good manners .
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