Example sentences of "[det] [adv] have [art] " in BNC.

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1 Having two types of procedure , command and processing , that only have a few functions in common , is annoying .
2 On-board facilities include air-conditioning , a comfortable lounge with the all important bar , an excellent restaurant , plus sundeck , sun canopy and sauna ( a few also have an open-air swimming pool ) .
3 Some also have a facility which automatically operates the ‘ hold ’ facility when the throttle stick is lowered beyond a certain point .
4 Most Ethernet cards have both thick and thin connectors , but some also have an RJ-45 plug for UTP cabling .
5 Bedrooms are spacious ; some even have a sitting area .
6 In and around the long-abandoned quarries are millstones which the workers had barely started on ; others with their circular shapes and central holes ; a few even have the radial grooves or ‘ harps ’ chiselled into them , ready for use in the flour mills ; but all left lying when the trade collapsed under competition in the eighteenth century from imported French Burr stones , which were thought to be of better quality for the purpose .
7 Some simply have a number allocated without the E prefix , so take care to include all materials within a required category when abstracting the databases .
8 At the moment , very few indeed have a reasonable idea of what sort of interest rate might be charged .
9 Some patients landed with this label will have viral cystitis , difficult to diagnose by the standard methods of analysing the urine , others will have one of the genital infections like trichomoniasis , candida , or herpes while some actually have a bacterial infection of the bladder or kidney that has been missed .
10 Now there is one department in particular that already have a training system in place , albeit the old volume two , but having said that , it works quite well , really .
11 So we 've been starting on the , but this is a bit of a shame though because , what I like , when we , when we , when we have our three days off , it 's nice to know on your , on your last day off that still have a late night because your not back to work until the afternoon you know .
12 We can create particles made up of the other quarks ( strange , charmed , bottom , and top ) , but these all have a much greater mass and decay very rapidly into protons and neutrons .
13 Fewer still have the chance , or the courage , to go to Romania and help .
14 Tougher are the newer flocks made with vinyl film : these also have a paper backing , but the fibres are of viscose rayon .
15 These also have a low , boat-shaped body , narrowing to a pouring spout at one end , a handle at the other and a splayed base .
16 These both have a characteristic age of 16,000yr and have already reached or passed through the shell of their SNR : in so doing PSR1757–24 has apparently brightened the nearby shell by an injection of particles and magnetic field .
17 These mainly have an easily recognisable national character .
18 It appears in polysyllables before single nasals in exemine , Jenuary , and before nasal + voiceless obstruent in demsel , exemple , Entrim ( 'Antrim' ) ; it also appears in monosyllables before nasal + voiceless obstruent in slent , brench : all of these now have a fully low vowel in Belfast .
19 These now have an excellent range of pipes and plumbing fittings and are well laid out so that you can see exactly what you need .
20 Events which have been implicated in schizophrenia are of a more everyday nature ( although it is possible that many also have a private meaning ) , and a very wide range of emotionally arousing events may trigger a relapse .
21 Many now have a pause button which allows you to avoid these irritations and means that play starts again immediately you release pause .
22 The VDUs themselves are all of Televideo 925 standard or higher ; many now have the higher TVI 955 functionality .
23 As the result of the demolition of the colleges of education in the 1970s and the mergers that took place between a number of colleges and polytechnics , the latter now have a major stake in teacher education .
24 Inner London bureaux which began under the auspices of the Family Welfare Association were not accustomed to volunteers at all as they were staffed by paid workers and many even have a negative attitude towards them .
25 ‘ The difference between the book trade and other retail trades is that there are some half million new product lines each year , ’ explains Mr Barker , ‘ and many of those only have a shelf life of six months .
26 Furthermore , while quotes like those above have an immediate impact they ignore the variations in the patterns of victimisation due to age , race and gender .
27 The hypothesis is that , when there is no formal communication structure to ensure that the symbols used trigger the same reaction everywhere , differentiations such as those above have the effect of making it probable that they will trigger quite different responses in different people .
28 Fringing reefs may occur directly exposed to the sea or may form on coasts within barrier reefs : the former often have a zonation similar to barrier reefs and atolls , but the latter have no algal ridge and often very abrupt outer edges .
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