Example sentences of "[det] [adv] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is a particular case of a general rule about Greenaway 's films : that only a person as obsessionally preoccupied with formal patterns as the director — and that is a tall order — can properly share his shock when death turns out not to be deterred by lists and games after all .
2 The advantages in determining serum 7α-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one concentration are that it is an even simpler method , that only a serum sample is needed , that no radioactivity needs to be used , and that it is less time consuming .
3 Children with special needs have long been welcomed into playgroups or mother and toddler groups but members have tended to worry on two counts — first , that only a minority of families with children with special needs were finding their way to playgroup , and second that the playgroup was not fully able to meet the children 's needs .
4 Professor Everitt has written that innkeepers were among the most mobile elements in the community , but that only a minority established dynasties that lasted for three or four generations .
5 Alice stood marvelling at this thought : that only a couple of days ago Mary Williams had seemed to hold her own fate Alice 's — in her hands ; and now Alice had difficulty in even remembering her status .
6 But according to Israeli officials , most of the Soviets choose to live here in Tel Aviv or Haifa in Israel proper , and that only a fraction , less than one per cent , go to the occupied territories .
7 The next Council , that of Vienne , south of Lyons , took place from October 1311 to May the following year , and was unusual in that only a selection — though a geographically fairly wide selection — of bishops were invited .
8 that only a fool would navigate .
9 A face , she sighed , that only a mother could have loved .
10 Some woman-centred psychologists think , too , that only a woman should study female subjects , and that she should do so as much as possible , because only she can understand them .
11 After that only a matter of confidence .
12 It may be that we can learn from computers something of what we have been missing in the game ; or , that chess is so rich , that only a symbiosis between man and machine can explore it adequately .
13 Within a cell what happens is this right a cell , what happens is that erm D N A is copied on to something called erm R N A , which is a kind of template , messenger R N A , it 's a kind of copy and it 's a single strand , corresponding to one of the strands on the original D N A with the same base structure .
14 We thought this rather a joke but his concern was academic , not snobbish .
15 Is this merely a definition of the limits of a gratuitous promise ( as in Thomas v Thomas , infra ) or is it an offer to contract , the consideration being P's forbearance from marriage ?
16 Nor is this only a question of a difference between writing and speech , as might at first appear .
17 In general this only a problem if you want to change leads with a weaker climber .
18 Very often , too , when we were travelling round the farms doing repairs ( and many of these were done just before harvest to prevent hold-ups at a busy time ) the Guv'nor would tell us to leave two shillings at a certain farm , half a crown perhaps at another , and at some only a shilling : that would go towards the men 's largesse-spending . ’
19 Nor is this necessarily a model of steady decline .
20 Or is this perhaps a product of the over-excited brain of a middle-aged and somewhat disparaged poet , when he finds that his ignored , his arcane , his deviously perspicuous meanings , which he thought not meanings , since no one appeared able to understand them , had after all one clear-eyed and amused reader and judge ?
21 Is this perhaps a comment on the inadequacy of the law and the difficulty of policing and getting convictions ?
22 I slumped to my knees , burdened by the hopeless regret that I had n't had the chance to do this just a bit sooner .
23 Could I be bisexual or is this just a fantasy ?
24 Is this just a case of too much sun ? ’
25 Nor is this just a problem that is eating away the character of historic towns and conservation areas .
26 Is this just a way of expressing friendliness ?
27 ‘ Is this just a game for you ?
28 ‘ So , Firmin , is this still a joke ? ’
29 It rec , received a report therefore , from the Central Council of the World Counc , Council of Churches which meets I think , once a year Noel can correct me on this once a year , or a at least once every two years .
30 There was a commitment to the maintenance of full employment , with the Keynesian doctrine that budgetary management could achieve this now a matter of economic orthodoxy .
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