Example sentences of "[det] [conj] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Whooping cough may be like this or even asthma .
2 But there may be more to this than comradely debate .
3 Do n't you dare I 'm in charge of this interview and erm and erm and erm what 's caused this and why discussion what has caused this change to try and find out and put him off Horrible feeling you see two people shouting at each other two people shouting at each other get the impression that the other party is actually doing an impression of a goldfish and going like that .
4 He was told this and not Wilson .
5 I think historically although you know historians can much better than me , erm historically maybe the way that the rock has been worked with a bagging system and it was you know and lots of quarry men had little bits of farm as well around Blaenau especially and you get a feeling er from reading about it that er you know they have a an almost self employed attitude to their to their work and their rock and the fact that er they 'd do it in their own you know wor work the rock in a certain way and this and very sort of proud erm of their work and that and From talking a lot to them and being close to you know it you feel that that that 's still very much the same really you know there is this sort of close relationship and that with their em employers there was you know a lot of you know was n't it was n't straight it as straight as you said a straight employer employee relationship that they was A lot of s sort of er give and take probably and I think they were outraged at this sort of McGregor type tactic really that you know this new machine .
6 Having said that er we would prefer a quota system for er Stansted because without it , we could have a large number of noisey flights into Stansted and , and also that er in terms of er both this and further consultations we would expect to see full information providing us from er , a to enable us to make a sensible conclusion .
7 The Supreme Court relies on the language of equal protection to strike down state legislation that recognizes fundamental rights for some and not others .
8 I am thinking of Xtreegold for file management , wordprocessors that can split screen and pull text from one piece of work to another and finally Windows , the ultimate hop to and go to and transfer stuff to the clipboard and elsewhere too .
9 Researchers themselves are bound to adopt one social construction of the phenomena they are investigating rather than another and however objective their methodology , the chosen perspective can not be completely neutral , nor can social research be entirely value free .
10 His models attempt to describe in formal mathematical terms the replacement of a population of one species by another and also situations in which pairs of species persist together as stable , mixed populations .
11 If you stay in the same place then the whole process of sexual reproduction means that indeed there are uniform populations which are hybridizing with one another and then barriers to other hybridizing population , but not if you move about .
12 The three travellers looked at one another and then Floy said , ‘ Sit down . ’
13 Floy and Snodgrass stared at one another and then Floy said , ‘ We 'll have to follow them . ’
14 The unexpected finding of very few and exclusively group II introns in plant mitochondria may be explained by their requirement for trans-splicing .
15 During a five-day fast , Joanna showed a ‘ very marked improvement in her condition ’ and when subsequently challenged with individual foods , she responded sharply to some but not others .
16 One cluster of characteristics ( personality type , language context , target language , interaction with the mother tongue , etc. ) may suit some but not others .
17 And Branson knew that Virgin stood a better chance of achieving that than either EMI or A&M had done .
18 An expression for z which is valid for a point ( w , v , z ) on the surface close to O such that both w and v are small can be obtained by a Taylor series expansion : .
19 Some rejected his proposed method of procedure and in 1931 Kurt Gödel dashed all hopes by proving that in a consistent system formalising the natural numbers there is a theorem A such that neither A nor not-A can be proved within the system .
20 The situation was such that even Minton could become fussed if Vaughan made first use of Ricky 's Daily Mirror .
21 The depravity of apartheid is such that even movie executives should feel comfortable that their projects will not be side-lined as too ‘ political ’ , or ‘ radical ’ .
22 Their belief in individual autonomy is such that even children are not required to obey their elders .
23 The Administration 's interpretation of this proviso was such that only Britain was able to benefit from it .
24 Knowledge of the properties of shapes means that any exemplars can be recognized as such and distinguished from non-exemplars However , some pupils recognize some exemplars of a particular shape as such and not others .
25 These processes are viewed as essentially positive , but as possessing intrinsic dangers , in as much as either specificity or abstraction may develop in such a manner as to be no longer assimilable by the subject through sublation , in which case they become both alien and oppressive .
26 I ca n't tell you who to love , or how to love : those school courses would be how-not-not-to as much as how-to classes ( it 's like creative writing — you ca n't teach them how to write or what to write , only usefully point out where they 're going wrong and save them time ) .
27 A very little and often basis is better than limiting feeding to one heavy meal per day .
28 I was gon na be happy to move the recommendation sir and anyone who 's aware of the traffic problem in London Road Brandon will , will support that and also sir the figures that in the questionnaire that was sent out support route A , emphatically because you 'll notice that double the people er double the number who returned the questionnaire supported route A as opposed to any of the other alternatives , so , so I think the , the recommendation that we were to accept this morning 's various adequately worded and , and accepted .
29 As I was saying : they dig up that and also Francis 's moment of passion when he made himself a father — which must have been more than twenty years ago !
30 Erm one of the problems fish have on this is that they lay their eggs in gravel or something like that and where males have their own nest sometimes another male comes along and er takes it over , hijacks it piracy and interestingly enough what happens in those situations a pirate male will come in , displace the existing male from his nest and fertilize a few eggs and then buzz off .
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